1 Democracy and Education If a people wish to be free and ignorant, they want something that never will be Thomas Jefferson
2 Democracy and Education It is the obligation of a democratic community to provide maximum opportunity of ideas on matters of public concern. Philosophy of Education Society
3 Democracy and Education One cannot but see the danger in excessive reference to authority, and in the limitation of discussion at an age when personal convictions are to be formed. Andrea D. Sakharov
4 Democracy and Education Our censure should be reserved for those who would close all doors but one. The surest way to lose truth is to pretend that one already possesses it. R. M. Hutchins
5 Democracy and Education The sense of unsolved social problems is all about us…. Unless educators prepare future educators to deal effectively with these great questions, our civilization may collapse. John Dewey
6 Democracy and Education Mankind are the greater gainers by suffering each other to live as seems good to themselves, than by compelling each other to live as seems good to the rest. John Stuart Mill
7 Democracy and Education If more children were taught to think, to analyze, to form intelligent judgments of their own, more of those same children, when they become part of the school’s public would hold ideal of freedom for the teacher. Howard K. Beale
8 Democracy and Education To feel a problem is to be aroused psychologically to the point where one wants to do something about it. Hunt and Metcalf
9 Democracy and Education The principal goal of education is to create men who are capable of doing new things…. Who learn early to tell what is verifiable and what is simply the first idea to come to them. Jean Piaget
10 Democracy and Education Students must exchange and test ideas rather than air mere opinions or conform to what is accepted by peers, teachers, or community Jean Fair
11 Democracy and Education The student must have an opportunity to come to grips with the crucial issues imbedded in his culture. Robert Jewett
12 Democracy and Education Brady: is it possible that something is holy to the celebrated agnostic? Inherit the Wind - Next
13 Democracy and Education Drummond: Yes! The individual human mind. In a child’s power to master the multiplication table there is more sanctitity than in all your shouted “Amens!”, “Holy holies!,” and “Hosannahs!” An idea is greater than a monument, than a cathedral.
14 Democracy and Education Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any medias regardless of frontiers. William O. Douglas
15 Democracy and Education In our society the search for knowledge must be free and unhampered. William O. Douglas