Numeracy and Mathematics What can I do to help my child? Eaglesham Primary School Curriculum Evening Presentation to Parents by A. Livingstone, DHT
What can I do to help my child? Number Facts Modern Methods Maths in Context
Number facts My life in numbers Sequencing Numbers Zero
Number Facts: Addition and Subtraction Number Stories 3+4=74+3=77-4=37-3=4 3 apples + 4 apples 3 hundreds + 4 hundreds 3 millions + 4 millions
Number Facts: Multiplication and Division Multiplication Tables 2x6 6x2 12÷6 12÷2 2x60 2x Fractions
Modern Methods Common Language and Methodology for Teaching Numeracy Calculations + add - subtract x multiply -: divide -4 negative 4 8-(-4) Carrying figures
Maths in Context Money Time Games
Money Children handling real money Shopping Imaginative Play
Time Refer to clocks Children using clocks Passage of time
Games Jigsaws – shape, pattern, colour, detail, visual perception Board Games – dice, counters and counting, game play, planning, youngest starts, clockwise, winners and losers
Scrabble Spelling? Creative vocabulary? Count to 7 Strategic Thinking Addition Multiplication of doubles and triples Keeping the score
A child can learn without playing, but cannot play without learning.