Ms. Avery’s 3rd Grade Math Division Unit
::: Introduction ::: In this unit, we will be studying division for 9 days, followed by assessments over 2-3 days. We will begin with simple division as it connects to multiplication, which we just finished studying in the previous unit. We will learn the pieces of a simple division problem (divisor, dividend, and quotient), and then we will move on to long division, including word problems.
::: Learning Objectives ::: Having learned the multiplication table, students will learn the “division table.” Students will be able to list all of the steps involved in a division problem, simple and long. Students will be able to explain the significance of each step Students will be able to interpret word problems and translate them into numerical problems. This includes sifting through the problem to find significant information and discard the unnecessary.
::: Learning Objectives ::: Students will be able to distinguish between those numbers that divide evenly and those that do not, and they will be able to perform both types of problem. Students will be able to create their own division problems, which they will present to the class and explain how to do them. Students will be able to effectively use a calculator, when permitted, to aid in division. Students will be able to apply their memorization of the division table in completing long division problems.
::: Assessment ::: The assessment in this unit involves 3 parts: 1. Individual presentations Students will find a useful game, tutorial, or other educational program on the Internet relating to long division. They will lead the class through it using a computer and projector screen. They will explain to the class where they found the program, why it was helpful for them in learning about division, and what their favorite parts of the program were.
::: Assessment ::: 2. Group presentations Students will be split into small groups, and each group will be assigned a different aspect of long division, and will be expected to present its meaning and importance to the class, as well as its role in the execution of a division problem. A visual must be included in the presentation - students may create a poster board, or they may use a computer to make a power point presentation (I can provide assistance if necessary). They can feel free to be creative!
::: Assessment ::: 3. Paper and Pencil test A written exam is the best way to truly see whether a student can apply the concept and properly execute any given division problem. All work must be shown on the test, and partial credit will be given when necessary. The test will include an assortment of problems: a set of simple division problems at the beginning, long division word problems, and numerical long division problems both evenly divisible and not.
::: Links ::: Here is a list of links to the games we used in class together. The students will be choosing programs similar to present to the class in their individual projects. Simple Division Game #1 Simple Division Game #2 Long Division Game #1 Long Division Game #2 Long Division Game #3 Word Problems Game #1
::: Conclusion ::: That concludes the plans for our division unit! We will learn a lot, and I hope we can have fun in the meantime. Parents, if you have any questions, please me anytime.