Grade 4 Mrs. Hummel Mrs. Alves Mrs. Memmott
The West Haven Board of Education is using the Common Core curriculum to prepare the students for the Smarter Balance (SBAC) test. Each unit we teach has essential questions that your child should be able to answer at the end of the unit.
In reading, we will be focusing on non-fiction texts, such as science or history. Please encourage your child to read more non- fiction texts. Please encourage your child to read daily and visit our libraries in West Haven.
There are six units. We will be focusing on the following: ◦ Theme ◦ Summarizing ◦ Compare & Contrast ◦ Text Structure ◦ Graphic Sources ◦ Main Idea ◦ Text Features ◦ Genres ◦ Story Elements
The students will be learning different styles of writing. ◦ Personal Narrative Writing ◦ Compare and Contrast Essays ◦ Expository Writing ◦ Persuasive Writing ◦ Narrative Writing ◦ Poetry ◦ Journals
There will be a new word list each week. Each list consists of 15 words. Pre-test will be given on Mondays. Tests will be given on Fridays. Any student who earns a 100 on Monday, will not have to take the test on Friday.
Each list will be covered for 2 weeks. You can have your child visit to practice words. This website can be found on the sheets sent home with the words and definitions on them. There is an app that you can use for Wordly Wise practice. Please encourage practice and use of all of our new words.
Have your child practice and master the multiplication tables. This skill will help in all areas of math. There are 8 units in math. ◦ Factors and Multiples ◦ Understanding and Using Place Value to Multiply and Divide ◦ Multi-Digit Whole Number Computation ◦ Building and Understanding of Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication of Fractions ◦ Solving Problems Involving Measurement and Data ◦ Exploring Angles and Angle Measurement ◦ Understanding Properties of Two-Dimensional Figures
There are 4 units in science. Each teacher will be responsible for teaching 1 science unit to all 3 classes. Students will switch classes for these visits. ◦ Mrs. Alves will teach Force & Motion. ◦ Mrs. Hummel will teach Magnetism & Electricity. ◦ Mrs. Memmott will teach Water Cycle. ◦ Each teacher will teach Food Chains & Webs to their own classes.
These are the fourth grade social studies units: ◦ Geography ◦ Native Americans ◦ Connecticut We will have a program on the Native Americans when studying that unit.
Each class will be going to the Computer Lab as well using laptops that can be brought into the classroom. The children will also be using word processing programs, as well as the internet to do research for performance tasks.
The students will be using the computers for Lexia and Symphony. Students can access Symphony and Lexia from home. It is strongly recommended that you have your child use it for at least 20 minutes a week at home. Logon information will be sent home.
Every student will receive homework grades for math, reading and writing. Every student receives a 100 for homework at the beginning of the marking period. 5 points will be taken off for each missed assignment. Please check your child’s homework nightly to be sure it is packed.
Mrs. Drenzek will continue her reading journey this year. The details for her journey will be announced at an assembly later this month. Please have your child keep track of the pages that are read. Homework pages can be included in this count.
All fourth graders will participate in chorus. There are two evening concerts this year. Please make every effort to attend. Save the Dates ◦ December 9, 2014, winter concert (snow date December 11, 2014) ◦ May 7, 2015, spring concert
Below is a list of some of the field trips we plan on taking: ◦ Connecticut Science Center ◦ Eli Whitney Museum ◦ Yale West Campus Below is a list of fun activities we plan on participating in: ◦ School Wide Field Day ◦ Fourth Grade Bowling ◦ Promotion Ceremony
Read newsletter and all notices your child brings home. Pay attention to important dates. Encourage your child to read daily. Practice vocabulary and spelling words with your child. Have your child practice multiplication tables. Make sure your child has everything he/she needs for school.