5+2 4 =5+2^4
=SQRT(a) =a^0,5 =a^(1/2)
- Negative % percentage ^ power /, * div., multp. +, - sum, subtr.
=(3+5^(1/2)+(1/(1+6^(1/2))))/(2+1/(1+3^(1/2))) =(3+SQRT(5)+(1/(1+SQRT(6))))/(2+1/(1+SQRT(3))) =(3+5^0,5+1/(1+6^0,5))/(2+1/(1+3^0,5))
A2=25 A3=4 B1= Write the formule below in C6 by using reference cell address:
Write the formule by using relative cell references to write from 1 to 10 in cell range B2:B11.
relative cell references.
A2=1….. A11=10 C2=5 Write formule from 1 to 50 with 5 steps into cell range B2:B11 by using absolute cell reference.
Absolute cell reference.
Creating a Table of One Variable Function Y=x 2 Z=x 3 x i =1,2,3,...,10 X i 2 =? X i 3 =?
Creating a Table of Two Variable Function x=1,2,3,...,5 Y=1,2,3,...,6 U(3,4)=? U(5,2)=? U(5,6)=?
Prepare Multiplication Table by using Data Table Command X=1,2,3,...,10 Y=1,2,3,...,10
Ax=b A -1 Ax=A -1 b Ix=A -1 b X=A -1 b
X=4 Y=2 Z=3
y=x 2 -2x+1
An airway firm has two different type of planes. DK-1 and BW-10. DK-1 can carry 40 passengers, 30 tons cargo. BW-10 can carry 60 passengers, 15 tons cargo. Airway firm has signed an agreement to carry minimum 480 passengers and minimum of 180 tons cargo for everyday. Fly costs for DK-1 is 500$ and for BW-10 is 600$. For minimum total cost how many flight must be done with each plane?
DK-1 X BW-10 Y Z=500X+600Y 40X+60Y 480 passenger X 0 30X+15Y 180 cargos Y 0
1)Type X= in C1 Y= in C2 Z= in E1 2) =40*D1+60*D2into C4 3) =30*D1+15*D2into C5 4) =500*D1+600*D2into G1
ItemCost per acreItemCost per acre Corn Wheat Seed $ 12Seed $ 40 Fertilizer $ 58Fertilizer $ 80 Plant/care/harvest $ 50Plant/care/harvest $ 90 Total$ 120Total$ 210 Available capital:$ Available storage facilities:4000 bushels A farmer has 100 acres on which to plant two crops: corn and wheat. To produce these crops, there are certain expenses, as shown in the table: After the harvest, the farmer must usually store the crops while awaiting favorable market conditions. Each acre yields an average of 110 bushels of corn or 30 bushels of wheat. The limitations of resources are: If the net harvest profit (after all expenses have been subtracted) per bushel of corn is $ 1,30 and for wheat is $ 2,00 how should the farmer plant the 100 acres to maximize profits?
Transco, Inc. makes a deluxe and a standard model of a Global positioning System (GPS) –a handle device for navigating via a system of 24 Satellites. They are currently trying to determine the optimal number of each model to produce each day. Their profit is $ 120 for each deluxe model and $ 80 for each standard model. Transco has 80 working-hours per day available (that is, 10 people working 8-hours shifts per day) producing a deluxe model takes 2 hours, whereas producing a standard model takes 1 hour. No more than 30 deluxe models per day can be produced, and company policy is that the number of deluxe models produced must be at least half of the number of standard models. (For example, if 20 standard models are produced, the number of deluxe models must be at least 10.) The company can sell all of the GPS models it produces.