Leaflet Niagara Falls is a great Tourist attraction. What are the other uses? How would you introduce you Niagara Falls Tour? 5 3 4 1 2 Front What role.


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Presentation transcript:

Leaflet Niagara Falls is a great Tourist attraction. What are the other uses? How would you introduce you Niagara Falls Tour? 5 3 4 1 2 Front What role has erosion had in Niagara Falls and Gorge?

How would you introduce you Niagara Falls Tour? Facts about Niagara Where it is? Continents, Lakes and Rivers What River is it on? Be positive!

3) What role has erosion had in Niagara Falls and Gorge? Erosion processes Rock types How much erosion What has the erosion causes

Niagara Falls is a great Tourist attraction. What are the other uses? Explain and give example of some of the uses Electricity. Why? Explain …..use because….to explain ideas and so…to describe the effects.