Spring Conference Guestbook Student-Led Conferences April, 2009 Evelyn Cal Kaylin Charlie Alison Lizzie Claire Tyler Jack
Evelyn We liked seeing all the work you’re doing in !ignite and in your classroom. You’ve really learned a lot this year! I really enjoyed sharing my things with mom and dad. I really like !gnite.
Cal It is very exciting seeing all of the things that you and your class have learned. You are very lucky to have this opportunity and cool technology to use. I am proud of you, keep trying harder and behaving better! I thought it was fun showing my mom my power point. She thought it was pretty cool and that’s the end of this conference.
kaylin I really enjoyed seeing kaylin’s goals on moodle. Reading is coming along well. Math I am very happy that kaylin is focusing more. I think that I am doing very well in my reading because I like to read for fun when i am at home.
Charlie I enjoyed seeing Charlie’s progress in school and all of the stations. I learned from Charlie and Connors Moodle entry on the Michigan frontier. We are very proud of Charlie. He is a wonderful boy. Mom & Dad & Jack!! I think my conference went very well. And I think what my teacher said was right. And I will move to the front of the classroom if I need to, or ignore them. Charlie
Alison It was great to see Alison’s math work and her work online. Moodle and the Wiki are very exciting classroom tools, and I love to see her creativity bloom with technology. I have learned a lot from Alison. Great Job Alison, You Rock! From, Mom I am very glad that my mom likes my work. It’s fun to use technology a lot in school. I have taught Thomas how to use power point. I like being in Ignite. Alison
Lizzie I enjoyed seeing how Lizzie is doing in class and on her goals. I enjoyed seeing how Lizzie did on her mid- year review. I enjoyed finishing my timed test faster than her dad! It was really nice learning about audacity. I liked doing a time test for my Mom and Dad. I liked teaching them audacity
Claire Claire is doing a great job in Ignite! We are very proud of her. The only area she needs to work is her Math. We know that she will work hard on this new goal. Parent I think I am doing a great job. Except in math I’m proud of myself My Ignite! rubric was really good Claire
Tyler Tyler is working hard at school. Tyler enjoys !gnite. It was fun seeing everything you do in school. I think that my conference was so fun. I think I am doing great in school.
Jack We loved seeing the fun power points Jack made with his friend Christian. Going over his goals and setting new ones will keep him trying harder. Mom and Dad I liked showing my mom & dad my power points. I liked giving my mom and dad their math test. Jack