AMISH Aysha Ahmad (H ) Budoor Mohsen (H ) Shahla Alsanah (H ) Najat Abdul-Aziz (H ) Noora Yasser (H )
General Information Religion: Christians (Mennonite Church). Population: (1920 < 5,000) (2014 <290,100) Location: 1- Canada 2- Central America (Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana) Location: 1- Canada 2- Central America (Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana) Foundation: Jacob Amman
Language A happy marriage is a long conversation that always seems too short. 1- Pennsylvania German 2-English (Swiss German) PROVERD
Context Culture 1-Strong sense of family. 2- Close personal relationships. 3-Elders can control the young people life. 4-No direct eye contact. 5-Gender roles are clearly defined. 6- Vary rare marriage with outsider. Amish is a high contexts culture because of:
World View (Shame & honor) They have their own law exempts Amish from compulsory teaching. Amish people do not use electricity.
Amish deny photography. World View (Shame & honor) Amish men never shave their beards, but they shave their mustache.
Women wear uniforms very conservative, they wear long sleeves, and long loose dress. They cover their head and they are not allowed to cut their hair. Wearing white head cover if they are married and black if they are not married. Amish women do not wear jewelry.
Object Dolls
Marriage No exchange of rings Groom begins to grow his beard Engagement is kept secret Invitations Ceremony Bride dress
Famous Building House Church Horse barn
Lets Play A Game
References Hamilton travel. "CANADA & AMERICA: Toronto, Niagara Falls, Washington, New York " Wisegeek "What Are Some Examples of Propaganda?"2003. Humblestainedglass " Hand Made Doll "2015. lucaitaau.blogspot "The Amish population, Customs, traditions, and consumption " Luca Caputo 30 September pinterest." Amish-Menonitas-Huteritas " shareranks "Some Common Amish Words "Advameg, Inc channel.nationalgeographic " nationalgeographic " APRIL 10,
everyculture "Amish "Donald B. Kraybill " May 29, lancasterpa " Amish People and Amish Culture" July 21, Wikipedia "Amish " Wikipedia 14 April Wikipedia " Amish doll" Wikipedia "30 January Discoverlancaster " How the Amish Feel About Photographs " "amishstudies/Language " Amishamerica " Amish State Guide " Wikipedia " Amish population " Wikipedia 28 October Religioustolerance "Amish " 2014http:// kevinriner " Amish proverbs " AUGUST 4, 2011