Welcome! Please sign in at the front table then take a few minutes to write a NOTE TO YOUR STUDENT (hand-outs found next to sign-in sheets). We will begin our presentation in just a moment…
Krisi Guzman 8 th Grade Language Arts/Social Studies/Math/Science Dorothy McElhinney M.S. Room F-215
Who is this teacher as a person?
Will this teacher treat my child fairly? Yes, Always! I am here to teach. Students are here to learn. I am very passionate about my job and have high expectations for my students. Together I know we can make this year a success. Positive attitude is the key to success. Let’s keep it all the time!
What will I be doing this year?
How will I be graded? A+ 98% and above A 93% to 97% A- 90% to 92% B+ 88% to 89% B 83% to 87% B- 80% to 82% C+ 78% to 79% C 73% to 77% C- 70% to 72% D+ 68% to 69% D 63% to 67% D- 60% to 62% F BELOW 60%
Language Arts Homework10% Classwork15% Essays/Projects25% Tests/Quizzes50% Late work: 1 day -10% 2 days-30% 3 days -50% 4+ daysnot accepted
Social Studies Projects/Reports20% Notebook*30% *includes class work and homework Tests/Quizzes50% Late work: Late assignments completed by end of unit will receive 50% credit. No assignments will be accepted after conclusion of unit.
Math Homework15% Classwork15% Tests/Quizzes70% Late work: No late work accepted.
Science Projects 25% Tests/Quizzes 30% Notebook* 45% *includes labs, class work, and homework Late work: Late assignments completed by end of unit will receive 50% credit. No assignments will be accepted after conclusion of unit.
Absences After return to school, student is responsible for getting missed notes/assignments. Student has 2 days for each day absent to make up work Make-up tests: Outside of class time (please make arrangements with me)
Classroom Guidelines
What are the expectations in this classroom? Be prepared Be hardworking Be respectful and courteous Follow all policies and procedures RESULTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES - NOT EXCUSES -
Following guidelines will result in: Verbal acknowledgement/praise A stress-free learning environment A pleasant and secure classroom atmosphere
Not following guidelines may result in: Warning and documentation Point Deduction Assigned detention Saturday School Parental Contact and Action Plan Disciplinary Referral and/or Suspension
Severe Clause Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages school property (this includes the property of the teacher and other students), or is disrespectful (as defined by the teacher) will be sent to the office IMMEDIATELY.
Class Website
Etc.... Letters will go home with students tomorrow for: –ABI access (all) –CST scores (MVUSD only) 8 th Grade Washington, DC trip Questions?
Remember… I truly believe in your student’s potential and I want you both to believe in it too! Have an awesome year! Mrs. Guzman