facebook John S. Pemberton Buy Pemberton’s French Wine Coca at local pharmacies! Great remedy for head aches! WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn S. PembertonLogout View photos of John Send John a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Columbus, Georgia Birthday: July 8,1831 Friends Coke Lounge Asa Candler Santa Clause Coke Factory Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Had such a great time shooting the new Coca Cola magazine spread! October 7, 1963 Coke Bear Coke Factory Had almost 100,000 people come and visit the factory today! October 1, 1963 Santa Clause Tried some of your French Wine Cola! My head ache is cured! You get extra presents thins year! June 11, 1963 Coke Lounge John Mayer is performing here tonight! Hope to see you there! October 28, 1962 Coke Bear I need more Coke to put in my igloo. Could you send me some more? September 9, 1962 Asa Candler Thank you so much for selling me the entire Coca Cola company! I promise to that it’ll be something big! April 17, 1961
Personal Information facebook John S. Pemberton Buy Pemberton’s French Wine Coca at local pharmacies! Great remedy for head aches! WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn F. KennedyLogout View photos of John (5) Send John a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: Columbus, Georgia Birthday: July 8, 1831 Hometown: Rome, Georgia Photos Networks: Columbus, Georgia Sex: Male Birthday: July 8, 1831 Hometown: Rome, Georgia Relationship Status: Married to Ann Eliza Cilfford Activities: Creating nerve tonic formulas, Inventing Coca-Cola, Interests: Reading, Science, Politics Favorite Music: Explosions in the Sky Favorite Movies: Fly Boys, The Patriot, Schindler’s List, Braveheart, Gone With the Wind, My name is Ivan Favorite TV Shows: Bill Nye the Science Guy Favorite Books: Warman’s Coca-Cola Filed Guide, The Sparkling Story of Coca- Cola, Commemorative Coca-Cola Bottles, Coca-Cola Girls: An Advertising Art History Bottles Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums The Factory Updated two months ago Contact Information Address: 121 Baker St., Atlanta, GA Phone Number: (406)
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn F. KennedyLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of John John’s Albums 3 Photo Alums Bottles 5 photos The Factory 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo John S. Pemberton