Site vs. Situation Industrial Location Factors AP Human Geography Mr. Vaughn
Question If you own Coca Cola Bottling Company, where are you going to put bottling plants in North America?
Coca Cola Bottling Site- not very important for this product Land: water is the main ingredient (input) and most places have abundance of water Skilled labor is unneeded Access to large amount of capital, large production plants are also unneeded
Coca Cola Bottling Situation- distance for this product is CRUCIAL! Bulk-gaining process (adding water) Bottling plants must be near markets to cut down on transportation costs
Question If you own a factory that makes and distributes semiconductors, where are you going to locate your factory in North America?
Semiconductors Site- very important Skilled labor needed Capital important because of lots of Research and Development used in this industry Land: San Jose and area around Many universities surrounding(easy skilled labor pool) Silicon Valley located nearby (main raw material for this product)
Semiconductors Situation- not very important for this product Lightweight and cheap to transport in bulk