Week Eight Agenda Announcements Link of the week Review week seven lab assignment This week’s expected outcomes Next lab assignment Break-out problems Upcoming deadlines Questions and answers
Link of the week A Sysadmin's Unixersal Translator (ROSETTA STONE) OR What do they call that in this world? S Definition: Installation (computer programs) Installation process: - Condensed package - Unpack package - Customized package - Test the functionality of the system - Configure files
Link of the week Open Source Projects
Review week seven lab assignment Define: tar tar –cf newpack.tar /export/home/dandrear tar –xvf origpack.tar tar –tvf origpack.tar Define: gzip gzip filename.tar gzip –d filename.tar.gz gunzip filename.tar.gz Define: bzip2/bunzip2 Installing the software package Package FreeBSD Port
Review week seven lab assignment Usually, the source files are packaged in a compressed archive file (.tar.gz). After downloading, the.tar.gz file, use the tar tool to uncompress the un-package the source files.
Review week seven lab assignment Every file is associated with one inode The inode contains the following information: file mode count of hard links owner id group id time of last file access time of last file modification file size file addresses
Review week seven lab assignment
The directory maps file names to inodes. Each file has one inode. The number of inodes is a kernel parameter value set manually or dynamically by the operating system. Each file may have more than one directory entry. Inodes contain a list of disk block addresses. Demonstrate ls –i and ls –li commands
Review week seven lab assignment
When there are multiple hard links, more directory entries point to the same inode (same file name) An inode can only hold a fixed number of direct data block addresses (10 for Linux). Large files use indirect block addresses. The inode keeps a count of the number of hard links that point to it. Deleting a file deletes and entry from a directory. If the number of hard links is 1, removing or deleting that file will also delete the inode. Demonstrate ls –li /etc physical links
Review week seven lab assignment
A symbolic link is a link to a directory or to a file in a different file system. Recall that Unix/Linux combines all the file systems into a single integrated tree structure.
Review week seven lab assignment Two choices for installing a project 1. Install binaries from a package called rpm in Red Hat rpm checks for dependencies and conflicts with other installed packages
Review week seven lab assignment 2. Install from source code Allows for custom installations Allows for code modifications Optimum compilation for target platform
Review week seven lab assignment rpm is a tool rpm –q sloccount (query to see if tool exists) If the tool isn’t on your system, create a directory named sloccount Download name sloccount i386.rpm rpm –vUh sloccount i386.rpm (install tool) See the man page regarding the rpm tool
Review week seven lab assignment QUERYING AND VERIFYING PACKAGES: rpm {-q|--query} [select-options] [query-options] rpm {-V|--verify} [select-options] [verify-options] rpm --import PUBKEY... rpm {-K|--checksig} [--nosignature] [--nodigest] PACKAGE_FILE... INSTALLING, UPGRADING, AND REMOVING PACKAGES: rpm {-i|--install} [install-options] PACKAGE_FILE... rpm {-U|--upgrade} [install-options] PACKAGE_FILE... rpm {-F|--freshen} [install-options] PACKAGE_FILE... rpm {-e|--erase} [--allmatches] [--nodeps] [--noscripts] [--notriggers] [--repackage] [--test] PACKAGE_NAME...
Review week seven lab assignment Software Installation of UNIX/Linux typically goes something like this: Download the software, which might be distributed in source code format, or as a binary. Unpack the software from its distribution format (typically a tarball compressed with compress, gzip, or bzip2 Locate the documentation (perhaps an INSTALL or README file, or some files in a doc/ subdirectory) and read up on how to install the software. If the software was distributed in source format, compile it. This may involve editing a makefile, or running a configure script, and other work. Test and install the software.
Review week seven lab assignment Kernel is the central component of most operating systems. It’s responsibility is to manage the system’s resources and communicate between the hardware and software. Kernel space is allocated for the kernel. Users aren’t able to access this area. Kernel space is generally larger than user space. User space is a memory area where all user mode applications are performed. This memory area is swappable if necessary.
Review week seven lab assignment Turnable Parameters Unix/Linux kernel semmni, semmns, aand semmsl reflect the number of semaphores per set/Cache uses shmmax, shmmni, shmseg, and shmall reflect shared memory allocation maxusers, pt_cnt, use_mxcc_prefetch Filesystem (CDFS, MEMFS, NAMEFS, NFS, SFS, S5, UFS, VXFS) Buffer cache Amount of memory used to transfer a file system data structure such as inodes, indirect blocks, and cylinder groups.
Review week seven lab assignment Demonstrate /etc/sysconfig is the location of configuration files. Software releases Interfaces – normally remain the constant. Implementations – actual fixes Behaviors – system changes from one implementation to another
Week eighth expected outcomes Upon successful completion of this module, the student will be able to: Create make file scripts for software programs. Use pattern rules in make files. Create an effective PowerPoint presentation. Create make files with multiple targets. Install software packages on a server.
Next Lab Assignment The Installation Exercise is an exercise that requires following directions. Perform each step in the prescribed sequence and syntax. Create an ASCII file named 4 th _log.txt Create the following directory /$HOME/itec400/homework/4 th Download the programming language “forth” Copy compressed “tar” file to your 4 th directory cd /$HOME/itec400/homework/4 th cp ~dandrear/public_html/itec400/Misc/4th-3.3d2-unix.tar.gz.
Next Lab Assignment The expected output is an executable file called “4 th ”. Commands who –r fsck /etc/fstab (view on cs.franklin.edu) ls -a
Break-out problems Firmware BIOS Master Boot Record (MBR) Paging System panic Virtual memory /boot/vmlinuz-* Single user mode init process ASCII FreeBSD software
Upcoming deadlines Programming Assignment 1, 5-1 is due 10/28/08. Installation Exercise, 8-1 is due 11/4/08 Startup/Shutdown, 9-1 is due 11/11/08 Account/LDAP Exercise, 10-1 is due 11/18 Process Exercise, 10-2 is due 11/18
Questions and answers Questions Comments Concerns I am available after this Franklin Live session to discuss any problems and/or concerns regarding the lab assignments