12/12 & 12/ th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Practice creating Punnett squares Collect HW: Reading & Note Taking p. 85 – 88 Collect HW: Flower (5 Points) Pass Back HW & Test & Grade Printout Flower Dissection Lab Video: Private Lives of Plants (Surviving) Class Reading: p HW: Reading & Note Taking p. 89 – 92 Reminder HW: Science Fair Background due 1/14 & 1/15 (10 Points) Reminder 1 st Semester Final Exam 12/17 & 12/18 (50 Points)
Reflection Prompt: Write 3 facts you know about genetics.
Final Exam on 12/17 & 12/18 Chapters tested are 1-4 & multiple choice questions (50 Points) Study guides and answers are online
What is Genetics? Passing of traits from parents to offspring is called Heredity Scientific Study of Heredity is called Genetics
Gregor Mendel Austrian Priest First to study ge_____ He grew p____ plants to study genetics netics ea
Mendel’s Experiment What would happen if you cross pollinate a tall plant with short plant? Why?
What is a allele? One part of a gene pair. Alleles represent different varieties of one trait such as height of pea plant. Two alleles form a gene pair
What is a Dominant Allele? One whose trait always shows up in the organism when the allele is present Dominant allele is represented by a CAPITAL letter
What is a Recessive Allele? A recessive allele is always covered up or masked whenever the dominant allele is present Recessive allele is represented by a lowercase letter
TT X tt Tt X Tt TT Tt Tt tt Phenotype Genotype
What are Genotype & Phenotype? Phenotype: Physical appearance Genotype: Genetic makeup
Punnette Squares
Practice Creating Punnett Squares BB bb Bb B B b b B b
Practice Creating Punnett Squares Bb bb Bb B b B b B B
Practice Creating Punnett Squares Bb bb Bb bb B b b b B b
Practice Creating Punnett Squares GG gg Gg G G g g G g
What is Codominance? The alleles are neither dominant nor recessive
What is incomplete dominance? Both alleles are blended in the offspring