Dominoes By: Zach Hastings 6KA
When and how dominoes were invented Dominoes were invented by a song Emperor named Xuanzong. The actual time that dominos were invented was in 1120 AD. But the actual game was invented all the way in A man from Italy brought home some dominos for his daughter to play with. Then the little girl started to create a game with the dominos and then the game spread out and now the game is super popular all over the world.
What are Dominos Dominos are a kind of block engraved with different numbers of dots. There are two sides on a domino. But on one side there is two parts, the two parts are divided by a line. On one side there are dots from numbers one through nine. And on the other side of the domino there are another set of dots on the other side of the domino.
Domino History Dominoes are known for gaming pieces. They were first made for mathematical tiling. Another name for the mathematical tiles are the polyominoes. That is where the word domino comes from. The word domino means rectangle. The first set of dominos had a total of twenty eight dominos in the set, there are still a total of twenty eight dominos in a set.
Conclusion Dominos are very amazing. Who knew that a game invented a thousand years ago is still a very popular game. Dominos have changed a lot since the fist set, but there is still the same number of dominos in a set as the original. Dominos are an invention that you wouldn’t think was invented so long ago. A picture of what the original set of dominos was predicted to look like