Welcome to Physics 2015! ( General Physics Lab 1 - Fall 2012)
Contact Information (see also in lab manual/on website) Lab Director: Gernot Laicher South Physics Teaching Assistant: See course website:
Overview – The Physics Labs Physics 2015/2025 General Physics Labs 1 and 2. Physics 2215/2225 Physics Lab for Scientists & Engineers 1 and 2. Physics 1809 General Physics Lab – a combination of Physics 2215 and (1 semester course for chemical/metallurgical engineering students).
Prerequisites for Physics 2015 Algebra/Trigonometry (no Calculus) Physics 2010 or equivalent course
Are You Ready for Physics 2015? Buy the lab manual (University book store). If it is not yet available: Go to the website, click on “Manuals” and find Introduction, homework 1 and lab 1 as a pdf file. Understand the course policies (introductory pages of the lab manual). Do homework # 1: (Due at the beginning of lab 1). Look at the course website (address in lab manual)
Activities for Physics 2015 Homework Due at beginning of lab activity. Individual homework (not a group homework). Lab Activity Group activity (2 students per group). Group lab report (Submit only one report per group). - Answer questions, fill out data tables (usually highlighted as gray fields), etc. directly into the lab manual. - Print out graphs as required. - Write both names on the report. - Submit at the end of the lab before you leave.
Instructional Material and Help Lab manual: Syllabus with lab dates. Homework assignments. Lab instructions. Excel tutorial. Capstone tutorial. Teaching Assistant: Introduction to lab activity (at the beginning of the lab). Help during lab activity. Grades your assignment. Office hours for homework help (you can go to any TA that teaches a Physics 2015 section).
Instructional Material and Help Website (2015, 2025, 2215, 2225, 1809 combined) Detailed schedule of all labs. TA information ( , office hour). Power point presentations (given by TA at start of lab). Links to other sites with Physics background material. Capstone activities for download during lab. First few pages of lab manual (includes HW 1 and Lab 1). Most up-to-date Excel and Capstone tutorial. …and more Capstone (Software) Activities Data acquisition and processing. Contains some instruction on how to use equipment/software.
Grading Homework: 10 points maximum. Every homework counts. Due at the beginning of the lab session. If you miss a lab: Due date extended by 1 week. Lab reports: 20 points maximum. Only 10 best labs count. Due at the end of the lab activity before you leave.
Flow Chart of HW/Lab Reports You: Do assignment Review grading Keep for 1 week Resolve grading disputes with TA TA: Grades assignment (hw, lab report) Keeps assignment until end of semester Turn in assignment Return assignment to TA Lab Director (Assigns final course grade) Give all assignments to Lab Director Talk to lab director about unresolved disputes.
Lab Attendance Rules Do not attend other lab sections. Exceptions only with written ( ) permission by the lab director. One missed lab activity can be made up during your regular lab hours in the week between November 26 th – December 1 st. You must sign up to make up a lab. You cannot repeat a lab you have already done before. If you forgot to turn in the homework related to the lab activity you are making up, you can still do so now, but only for a 50% credit. University sponsored activities (athletic competitions, etc.) Contact the lab director as early as possible to arrange for attending other sections.