Purpose Organized way of conducting business Everyone has a voice, protect the right of the minority Everyone has a vote Quarum – Half of the voting members +1 Majority – Half of the present voting members +1 Assembly The members present to discuss issues Chairperson Presiding officer Mr./Madam Chairman/President BASICS
Introduces new ideas to the assembly Make a motion “I move to/that…” Debate Give everyone the opportunity to speak on an issue Defending motion / opposing motion Explanation why 1. State what side you are on 2. Reasons why 3. Persuade others Rules 2 debates per motion 10 minutes per debate MAIN MOTION
Voice vote (majority) Standing Raise of Hand Roll Call Ballot VOTING
L – Lay on the Table P – Previous Question L – Limit or extend debate P – Postpone Definitely (certain time) R – Refer to a committee A – Amend P – Postpone Indefinitely SUBSIDIARY MOTIONS
Kills the motion Second Debatable Merits of debate may go to main motion Not amendable Majority POSTPONE INDEFINITELY
Changes one aspect of the motion Cannot change the purpose of the motion Four ways to amend Add Strike out Insert Strike out and insert Second Debatable Amendable Only 2 amendments per motion Majority AMEND
A committee is formed to research the issue more in depth and report back to the assembly When making the motion include: Who is on the committee What powers the committee has When they report back Second Is debatable Is amendable Majority REFER TO A COMMITTEE
Postpone matter until a specific time “I move to postpone this matter to 6pm Friday.” Second Is debatable Is amendable Majority First item of business at the next meeting POSTPONE DEFINITELY (CERTAIN TIME)
Limits or extends the number of times of length of time Rules of Debate 2 debates per person, per motion 10 minutes maximum per debate Second Not debatable Is amendable 2/3 vote LIMIT OR EXTEND DEBATE
Stops debate and induces voting Second Not debatable Not amendable 2/3 vote Two different ways to make motion “I move previous question on this motion.” “I move previous question on all matters.” PREVIOUS QUESTION
Put matter aside for more urgent business Second Not debatable Not amendable Majority Can be brought back by the end of the current meeting LAY ON THE TABLE
F – Fix a Time to Adjourn A – Adjourn T – To Recess Q – Question of Privilege C – Call for the Orders PRIVILEGED MOTIONS
Gets assembly back on set agenda No recognition needed No Second Not debatable Not amendable Negative 2/3 (2/3 of the people must go against it to stay on current topic) CALL FOR THE ORDERS
Ask a personal question/one pertaining to whole group No recognition needed No Second Not debatable Not amendable Chairs decision QUESTION OF PRIVILEGE
Take a short break Specific (10 minutes) Second Not debatable Amendable Majority TO RECESS
End the Meeting No business pending Second Not Debatable Not amendable Majority Vote ADJOURN
Sets a time for our next meeting Specific (time, date, place) Second Not debatable Amendable Majority FIX A TIME TO ADJOURN (MEET AGAIN)
Not in ranking order INCIDENTAL MOTIONS
Split the main motion into two parts if it has multiple ideas Second No Debate Amendable Majority DIVIDE THE QUESTION
Take a more accurate vote (standing) No recognition needed No Second Not Debatable Not Amendable No Vote DIVISION OF THE ASSEMBLY
Disagree with chairs decision on a parliamentary rule No recognition needed Second Debatable Not amendable Majority APPEAL
Any question on parliamentary rules No recognition needed No second Not debatable Not amendable No vote, chair PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY
When there is a breach in Parliamentary rules No recognition needed No second No debate Not amendable No vote POINT OF ORDER
When you disagree with the intent of the main motion No recognition needed No second No debate Not amendable Neg 2/3 vote OBJECT TO THE CONSIDERATION OF THE QUESTION
Allows assembly to temporarily break the standing or parliamentary rules Second Not debatable Not amendable Vote Standing rules – majority Parliamentary rules – 2/3 SUSPEND THE RULES