Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure
What is it? Parliamentary Procedure is the correct rules for conducting or running a successful meeting Began in 1562 in England Currently governed by “Roberts Rules of Order”
Purpose Ensures that: - One item is addressed at a time - Courtesy is given to every member - The majority rules - The rights of the minority are protected
Use of the Gavel One tap: Be seated One tap: Follows announcement of adjournment or completion of a business item Two taps: Calls the meeting to order Three taps: Stand on the third tap Series of taps: Restores order
The Chair The person in charge of conducting the meeting Presiding Officer referred to as: Mr/Madam President or Mr/Madam Chairman Chairperson refers to self in the third person “The chair rules…” “The chair will entertain a motion.” Never says “I” Alternates debate between opposing and supporting sides
Responsibilities of The Chair Speak up and speak clearly Be respectful Be impartial Do not say “I” Know correct parliamentary procedure
Responsibilities of Members Discuss when called upon Respect other members and chair Speak up when discussing Know Parli. Pro.
Conducting Business Quorum ½ of the members + 1 Minimum number of members that must be present for business to occur at meeting Types of Votes None Decided by chair Majority 1/2 of members present at meeting +1 Minimum number of members that must vote in favor of a motion to pass it Two-Thirds 2/3 of members present at meeting must vote in favor of a motion to pass it if the motion limits the rights of a member
Ways to Vote Voice Vote: saying “aye” or “no” Standing Vote: standing or a show of hands Secret Ballot: a written vote Roll Call: each member speaking their vote when the secretary calls their name
Basic Rights Everyone gets the chance to voice their opinion Everyone gets the chance to vote Must take yes and no votes Only one topic at a time can be discussed Whoever makes a motion has the right to discuss it first The Chairperson makes or breaks a tie
Classifications of Motions Main Motions: bring business before the meeting Subsidiary Motions: treats or disposes of a main motion; always applied to another motion while it is pending Privileged Motions: take precedence over all other motions; don’t have to relate to pending business Incidental Motions: related to pending business or other business; almost always must be decided before business can continue Unclassified Motions: these are typically motions that bring a question again before the assembly
How to State a Motion A properly stated motion: begins with “I move that…” NOT, “I make a motion to…”
Main Motions Used to introduce ideas to the group Can not be in negative form Only one main motion at a time Require a second Amendable Can Be changed Debatable Can be talked about Majority Vote Can be voice The person who makes a motion can not talk against it, but can vote against it The person who makes a motion can not talk against it, but can vote against it Can not interrupt another speaker
How to Handle a Main Motion Stand Ask to be recognized by President President recognizes you by name Motion is correctly stated Motion is seconded Motion is repeated by President Motion is discussed President restates motion Motion is voted on Results of vote announced by President
Common Abilities Amendment Modify or change the main motion by inserting, adding to, or striking Amendment Modify or change the main motion by inserting, adding to, or striking Refer to Committee Send a pending question to a small group of members for them to discuss in detail and then make a recommendation to the entire membership Refer to Committee Send a pending question to a small group of members for them to discuss in detail and then make a recommendation to the entire membership Can be existing or special committee Can be existing or special committee Previous Question To end discussion and force an immediate vote Previous Question To end discussion and force an immediate vote Suspend the Rules To break the rules of parliamentary procedure or the chapter constitution for a short period of time Suspend the Rules To break the rules of parliamentary procedure or the chapter constitution for a short period of time
Common Abilities Division of the House To call for an immediate revote by hand Division of the House To call for an immediate revote by hand Appeal To ask the chair to reverse their decision after they have made an error Appeal To ask the chair to reverse their decision after they have made an error Recess To ask for a short break Recess To ask for a short break Adjourn To end the meeting Adjourn To end the meeting