TODAY’S AGENDA I.7:00 Welcome and Announcements Amy Hamermesh II.7:07 Consent Agenda Amy Hamermesh III.7:15 Director’s Report Noah Gallagher IV.7:35 Finance Report Sy Nagorsky V.8:00 Committee Goals Amy Hamermesh VI.8:15 Executive Session/ Personnel Discussion Amy Hamermesh VII.9:00 Adjourn
Board Meeting 12 September, 2012
Announcements & the Consent Agenda Greta stepping down Other Announcements? Consent Agenda: Any Changes to read out? Motion to Approve? Second? Vote
Director’s report Dates and Rates for 2013 Programming Changes for 2012 and how they went Summer Rental options for 2013 Update on Avner Netanyahu’s return home; what the Tsofim are saying about his summer at CYJ
Finance Report Financial Statements Update on work with banks
Upcoming Meetings Face-to-Face meeting Sunday December 2 in Chicago GET YOUR TICKETS SOON! We’ll see what we can do about a google hangout to join the meeting by webcam if you can’t be there. Entering Executive Session