Willows HOA / WQS & WMLP Annual Meeting September 19, 2015
Roll Call and Introductions Proof of Notice of Annual Meeting Quorum of Owners and Proxies (20% of the total voting power of all owners from each class [4 votes]) Motion to dispense with reading of minutes Report from Board of Directors Report from General Manager Homeowners Association Meeting
Building Report .. Painting Wood siding, wood trim, and stucco re- stained/re-painted Cost $38,500 Timeframe: next spring Garage Door Door damaged this winter Possibility of replacing with vinyl panel door: $25,612
Budget Approval (Budget does not need a vote but a majority of owners can vote to reject the budget) Homeowners Association Meeting
Old & Unfinished Business Use of Spa by Willows Management New Business Conversion of stairwell 6 to residential space Election of Officers Adjournment Homeowners Association Meeting
Approval of Minutes from prior meeting Report from the Board of Directors General Manager’s Report Willows Quarter Share / Management Meeting
WQS Winter Revenue
Winter Owner Days Comparison 2011/122012/132013/142014/15 Owner Days Unique Owner Visits Average Owner Stay
WMLP Winter Revenue
Willows QS Summer Revenues
WMLP Summer Revenues
Summer Source of Business
Vail Vitality Center/Vail Athletic Club Ski Storage at Bridge Street Ski Haus Breakfast discounts at Lodge at Vail Bikes Owner Benefits
Old & Unfinished Business New Business Election of Officers Adjournment Willows Quarter Share / Management Meeting