The Union and State Legislature Close relationship between Executive Legislature Lok Sabha + Rajya Sabha
Constitution provides for three lists which divide the subjects for legislation between the central and state governments.
Union legislature Lok sabhaRajya sabha 1.Lower houseUpper house 2 Composition - max. strength elected by the people directly-secret ballot -President nominates 2 members from Anglo-indian community. Composition -Max strength-250 members -238 members elected by state legislative assembly. -President nominates 12 members who have distinguished themselves in various fields. 3.Chairman The speaker. Conducts meetings, maintains discipline. Chairman Vice-president.
Lok SabhaRajya Sabha 4Qualifications -Citizen of India - 25 yrs of age -Registered voter. Qualifications -Citizen of India -35 yrs of age -Registered voter. 5Term -5 yr term -Dissolved by president if loose majority support. -extension of 6 months during national emergency. Term Each member is elected for a 6 yr term 1/3 rd of its members retire every 2 yrs. Cannot be dissolved by the President.
Functions of the Parliament 1. Law making function Can frame new laws even in state list. Modify existing one on union list or concurrent list. No money can be raised without approval of lok sabha. Money bill introduced only in Lok sabha. Only parliament can initiate a bill to amend the constitution.
Video on how a bill becomes a Law. Click to view video
2 Budget It is an estimate of the annual income and expenditure of the government of India. Union parliament sole custodian. Introduced by the finance minister in the lok sabha in the last week of February every year. Parliament can suggest a cut in the budget. Lok sabha can reject it altogether.
3 Control over the executive. The council of ministers is responsible to the lok sabha for its policies and actions. If no-confidence vote is passed by the lok sabha, ministry has to resign immediately. Can move adjournment motion to discuss matter requiring urgent attention of the government.
4 Judicial functions. Can impeach or remove the president, vice- president, judge of supreme court or high court if they violate the Constitution or misuses their authority. 5 Effective functions. Play important role in the election of the President and the Vice-resident. Sessions of parliament 1.Meets twice a year 2.Quorum-10% of total members have to be present. 3.President addresses both houses jointly at the beginning of every new session.
The state legislature Unicameral-one house Bicameral-two houses (Maharashta, karnataka,bihar) Vidhan sabhaVidhan parishad 1.State legislative assembly.Legislative council 2 Max. number of members is 500 Not less than 40 but not more than 1/3 rd of state legislative assembly 3Term 5 year term Can be extended by 1yr during emergency. Governor can dissolve it if majority passes vote of no- confidence Term Partly nominated and partly elected. 1/3 rd of its members retire every 2 yrs. Can’t be dissolved.
. Vidhan sabhaVidhan parishad 4Elections Elected directly by the people of state by secret ballot. Elections 1/3 rd elected by state legislative assemblies. 1/3 rd by local bodies 1/6 th nominated by governor 1/12 th by teachers 1/12 th by graduates 5Qualifications Same as lok sabha Qualifications Same as Rajya sabha 6Chairperson Chaired by speaker Chair p erson Chairperson who performs same function as that in rajya sabha
Functions of state legislature 1.Make laws-on subjects under state and concurrent list 2 Budget- Passed by vidhan sabha. Approval of vidhan parishad is a formality. Money bills introduced only in legislative assembly. 3 Exercise control- over CM and council of ministers and question them. 4 No-confidence-can force the ministry to resign with this vote. 5 Adjournment motion-to discuss important matters. 6 Elects president and elected members of rajya sabha