AJ korespondence Centrum pro virtuální a moderní metody a formy vzdělávání na Obchodní akademii T.G. Masaryka, Kostelec nad Orlicí
Test 1. Are the following statements true – T or false – F: a. In the USA, it is correct to open a letter with the salutation Gentlemen. - b. In the UK the abbreviation on a letter means 8 October c. If you write a letter to Mr Peter Smith, you will open with Dear Mr Peter Smith. - d. The abbreviation for ´company´is Co. -
Test e. If you do not know whether a female correspondent is married or not, it will be correct to use the term Ms. - f. The abbreviation c.c. stands for ´carbon copy´. - g. If a letter begins with the recipient´s name, e.g. Dear Ms Ross, it will close with Yours faithfully. - h. The abbreviation for the term ´limited company´ in the UK is ltd. -
Test 2. Put the following names and addresses in correct order: e.g. Search Studios Ltd./Leeds/LS4 8QM/Mr L.Scott/150 Royal Avenue Mr L.Scott Search Studios Ltd 150 Royal Avenue Leeds LS4 8QM
Test a. Warwick House/Soundsonic Ltd/London/ Warwick Street/SE23 1JF b. Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 254/The Chief Accountant/I-20133/D.Fregoni/Fregoni S.p.A/ Milano/Italy c. Greece/Miss Maria Nikolaki/ Rhodes, Nikitara 541 d. Bente Spedition GmbH/Mr Heinz Bente/ D-6000 Frankfurt 1/Feldbergstr.30/The Chairman
Test 3. Write the following date in four different ways:
Test 4. What courtesy titles do you know? 5. What are the essential parts of a business letter? 6. How do we call the most widely style of writing business letters? 7. What does the abbreviation p.p. (Per Pro) stand for?
Test 8. Which countries domain name suffixes are these:.no -.es -.de -.uk -.cz -.dk -.jp -.it -
Test 9. Rearrange the sentences in the correct order to form a letter. Dear Sir / Madam which was held last June, and may be interested in retailing them through our outlets in Germany. We saw a large selection of your products at the Frankfurt Fair, Could you send us your latest catalogue and price list,
Test We are particulary interested in your industrial ware, quoting c.i.f. terms to Hamburg. Including overalls,boots,helmets,gloves,and fire-proof jackets. We look forward to hearing from you soon. We can assure you that if your prices and discounts are competitive, Yours faithfully Chief Buyer we will place regular large orders. T. Hamacher
Použité prameny Ashley, A.: Oxford handbook of commercial correspondence, Oxford 2003