CSF obj.1 Evaluation The ISFOL ESF Evaluation Unit contribution
The Isfol ESF Evaluation Unit ISFOL is a public research institute on human resources development counseling the Italian Ministry of Welfare The ESF Evaluation Unit was established at ISFOL in 1995 to evaluate the co-financed programme and policies of the European Social Fund in Italy Its scope has been confirmed and broadened for the following EFS programme
ESF EvU and CSF obj.1 Evaluation In 2004 the ESF EvU was involved in CSF obj. 1 evaluation process, in particular in the field of ESF contribution to the European Employment Strategy Activities during the three year period : support to the Ministry of Welfare and other stakeholders with reference to the formulation the of the evaluation questions; partecipation in the SG; coordination of the SG sub group concerning continuous vocational training (CVT) cofinanced by ESF
Support to the formulation of the evaluation questions The Ministery of Welfare has focussed his attention on the ESF CVT programme Background: 1) CVT in Italy is not very widespread in the productive system 2) during the period in Italy ESF was the main source of public support to CVT; 3) only in 2004 a national policy was added to the ESF CVT programme
Support to the formulation of the evaluation questions On the basis of our knowledge of CVT in South Italy we have prepared a long list of themes about the ESF CVT programme The Ministry of Welfare has selected some of these themes formulating the evaluation questions in collaboration with the ESF EvU. At this stage the main support needed was to control the feasibility of questions.
Coordination of SG sub group The SG sub group for cofinanced CVT evaluation was established in The sub group included the Ministry of Economy (DPS), the Ministry of Education, University and Research, the Social Partners, the ESF EvU and the cofinanced CVT evaluation team.
Coordination of the SG sub group Main functions: 1)to guarantee the utilization of the available sources of information; 2)to provide the access to the specific information sub group participants; 3)to ensure the respect and the consideration of the SG recommendations; 4)to give a methodological support in selecting options.