INFOMATION NEEDS and I.C.F. Italian experience ISTAT Elena De Palma Roberta Crialesi Washington Group on Disability Measurement 1° Meeting February Comparability of Cross-National Disability Measures
Social Changes and information needs Policy and social context in Italy Medical model versus Social model ISTAT and data on disability Administrative data sources ISTAT “Health Conditions and Access to Health Services”. “Aspects of daily life” “Families, Social subjects and condition of childhood health and social reforms cultural transformation national Law (L. 104) integration of indivual and social factotrs integration of policies and inteventions mobilizing all resources re-evaluation of available information sources integration of different data sources
Project: “Information System on Disability”
I.S. on Disability : goals and users ISTAT Implement a coordinated and integrated statistcal database Information tool to orient social integration policies for persons with disabilities Main data users: Policy-makers Researchers Associations Citizens
I.S. on Disability : activities Steps for implementation of a coordinated and integrated statistical database: Analysis of policies Set up focus group comprised of representatives from the various types of data user Identification of principle thematic areas Analysis of the most relevant experiences Selection of data sources Selection of main indicators Planning of data interrogation system architecture ISTAT
I.S. on Disability : problems Problems faced: Lack of data sources covering all aspects Lack of available and comparable data Lack of an inter-institutional network ISTAT
I.S. on Disability : products and intermediate tools Products : Data ware-house Indicators system Metadata system Website: Intermediate tools : Meta-survey on data sources Survey on handicap certification system In-depth research of the needs of disabled persons and their families Information gathering on application of the national law at regional level for the Parliamentary Annual Report ISTAT
I.S. on Disability : Main themes Themes Work and employment Transport Spending on monetary benefits Recipients of monetary benefits Education and scholastic integration Households Health and assistance Social life Accidents ISTAT
General model of components ICF 2001 Environmental Factors Personal Factors Health Condition ( disorder/disease ) Body Functions &Structures Activities Participation ISTAT
Relationship with ICF One level ICF Activities and participation Chapter 3 Communication Chapter 4 Mobility Chapter 5 Self-care Chapter 8 Major life areas : Education Work and employment Economic life Chapter 9 Community, social and civic life Environmental factors Chapter 3 Support and Relationship Chapter 5 Services, Systems and Policies I. S. on Disabilities Difficulties with communication, mobility, self-care Education and scholastic integration Work and employment Recipients of monetary benefits Social life Families and networks Health and assistance Accidents Transport Spending on monetary benefits Education and scholastic integration ISTAT
Euro Disability Data n.2 Project ISTAT Project: “Indicators on Integration of Disabled Persons into Social Life” Istat - National Institute of Statistics- Italy
ISTAT Goals of the Project To identify a short set of indicators useful for informing the policy-makers on the status of the integration of disabled persons To monitor the efficacy of integration policies directed persons with disabilities To allow policy-makers to plan new intervention strategies Indicators on Integration of Disabled Persons into Social Life
ISTAT Indicators Indicators on Integration of Disabled Persons into Social Life Core Indicators Precondition dimension Target Areas dimension EDUCATIONEMPLOYMENT SOCIAL PARTICIPATION MOBILITY AND ACCESSIBILITY secondly Social protection Health promotion
ISTAT Indicators on Integration of Disabled Persons into Social Life: main problems The project has emphsized that: ICF is not operative everywhere from a statistical viewpoint To evaluate the integration of disabled persons in society is necessary to utilize data from different sources Data sources are not available for all topics in all countries Available Data are not always comparable