1 Policy context Project’s aims and objectives, articulation and expected results by Riccardo Trabalza.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Policy context Project’s aims and objectives, articulation and expected results by Riccardo Trabalza

2 “Industrial relations in the commerce sector: analysis of organizational models and tools developed by European social partners and national member states to guarantee more opportunities for workers and companies”. European Commission Social Dialogue, Industrial Relations Budget Heading:

3 How the project began In Italy, the most important distribution and service union organizations in the tertiary sector are: FILCAMS – CGIL FISASCAT – CISL for workers UilTuCS – UIL and Confcommercio for employers. They are the subject to sign the Collective Contract. Even at the regional level the representation structure mirrors those at the national level. They are the organizations which manage R. I. at local level. The summarized image of the diffusion of territorial agreements is best represented by classic leopard spots. (The commerce sector is fragmented, and poorly unionized).

4 In Umbria, as in many Italian regions, industrial relations are still very limited, even today. The social partners have clashed or, on the contrary, have found common ground on specific issues: -training, -the regulation of the labour market(social partners– institutions); -labour disputes, -industrial relations in individual production units. The lack of awareness about industrial relations processes may have contributed to the lack of knowledge among workers and businesses about the contract of reference, resulting in the loss of opportunities offered by the collective contract Bilateralism is favouring a boost in industrial relations, leading to greater knowledge about the contract. How the project began

5 From this standpoint, the need arised to:  learn about industrial relation models of other European countries and the vision of Eurocommerce and Uni Europa.  Identify other models of bilateralism. The aims of the project

6  Explore 5 themes we believe to be of particular interest to both businesses and workers: 1.employment contracts that facilitate entry into the world of work and provide training to increase the skills of workers; 2.reconciling work and family; 3.managerial models with the participation of workers and retribution systems tied to productivity; 4.income support for both workers and businesses; 5.workplace safety.

7 Objective Prepare a guide about good practices related to I.R. - legislative framework of reference; - the model that the social partners have developed within the collective contract.

8 Methods In relation to the five themes: the role of and the actions of the social partners in defining and developing the themes. Legislative framework of reference (there may not be a regulation of reference). What is interesting to note is the added value contributed by the social partners.

9 We are confident that an increased awareness about these themes will allow them to: -Increase skills; -improve and develop industrial relations; -promote greater knowledge of the Collective Contract with businesses and workers, presenting it as an opportunity rather than an additional regulatory requirement; -promote fair competition between operators and facilitate the economic and social development of the tertiary sector. Expectations

10 WP1: Survey of Industrial Relations in European Countries OBJECTIVE: collect information on the contract methods and create a guide of good practices that facilitate union relations. METHODS: Research and analysis Collect documentation: A completed work grid An essay about industrial relation methods and the 5 themes An essay about success stories

11 WP2: Benchmarking, the exchange of best practices and the creation of a platform OBJECTIVE: Improve awareness about CCNL and promote the exchange of information. Increase the skills of partners. METHODS Seminars, national and transnational workshops Learn about the partners’ experiences in relation to the 5 themes Web site

12 WP3: Management and evaluation of the project OBJECTIVE: Ensure that the actions are carried out and that objectives are reached Properly manage the financial resources Ensure the accuracy and quality of all technical documents METHODS Administrative, accounting and financial reports Collaborations and discussions during seminars monitoring

13 WP4: Sharing the results OBJECTIVE: Share the results with the partners, the entities being represented (businesses and workers), the stockholders (local and regional organizations etc.) METHODS: Web site – disseminate the research, post blogs, exchange documents, publish all of the material produced in the web; links to youtube of transnational seminars Seminars, conventions, meetings, national workshops Brochure Newsletters Collect the documentation in a final volume Final report at Eurocommerce

14 Thank you Riccardo Trabalza