A Strategic Research Agenda for Europe in the field of illicit drugs Priorities for socio-economic and humanities research HDG Brussels - December 10, 2014 Edvard Beem - Co-director ZonMw, The Netherlands Aziz Naji - Programme Manager BELSPO, Belgium
Composition of ERANID ERANID is an ERA-NET consisting of 11 funding agencies from 6 European countries: Belgium France Italy The Netherlands Portugal United Kingdom ERANID cooperates with the EMCDDA and with the Pompidou Group 27/05/2016www.eranid.eu2
European Research Area Network on Illicit Drugs Aims: To improve cooperation in drug research and in drug research policy To – in the end – enable organisations to take well founded policy decisions in demand and supply issues (evidence based policy) Methods: To fund joint multidisciplinary research projects through Joint Transnational Calls To improve implementation of and accessibility to research findings 27/05/2016www.eranid.eu3
First common call ERANID ERANID aims to launch its first Joint Transnational Call for proposals in Scientists from participating countries and different disciplines will be invited to submit proposals for collaborative research. 27/05/2016www.eranid.eu4
Aim of the ERANID SRA To identify key research themes for drug related research that can fill knowledge gaps and can help to improve practice and policy. To form the basis for calls for proposals. 27/05/2016www.eranid.eu5
Way of work 1.Research needs A wide consultation of stakeholders in the six ERANID countries, through: -ERANID survey -National consultations 2. Comparative analysis of research (2010 – 2013) Summary of the comparative analysis of research across Europe: information on National and European research policy frameworks, funding mechanisms, and on identified gaps in research areas and the disciplines involved. 27/05/2016www.eranid.eu6
Way of work 3.Draft research themes discussed at Lisbon International Invitational Conference (October 1&2, 2014) 4.Drafting SRA, based on all previous results 5.Draft SRA discussed in Advisory Committee 6.Draft SRA approved by Network Steering Committee 27/05/2016www.eranid.eu7
SRA: research area 1 Understanding drug use through the life course drug use and related consequences throughout the life course adopting a dynamic perspective on the relationship between social, environmental, cultural, biological and behavioural factors and drug use pathways and consequences use across the whole population including non-drug users, those with limited drug use history, frequent drug users and those who have experienced dependence issues without coming to the attention of services 27/05/2016www.eranid.eu9
SRA: research area 2 27/05/2016www.eranid.eu10 Improving wellbeing: responding to drug use and its consequences improving knowledge and understanding of effective health and social responses and how to measure the impact of programmes and interventions. This includes prevention, risk and harm reduction, treatment and social responses. mechanisms underlying intervention effects
SRA: research area 3 A better understanding of drug markets, supply and supply reduction responses assessment of the impact of drug markets and supply reduction responses on individuals, communities and society help improve understanding of the relationship between supply and demand involving drug users in research exploring the issue at a local and regional level 27/05/2016www.eranid.eu11
SRA: research area 4 Policy analysis: implementation and impact Focus on general policy rather than specific interventions To identify appropriate tools and measures for assessing the impact of policy To explore issues of implementation and governance 27/05/2016www.eranid.eu12
SRA: 4 common themes 1.Measurement and methodology This theme focuses on issues of measurement and the development of innovative methodological approaches for improving knowledge on drug issues. 2.Key actor perspective This theme takes the perspective of key actors such as drug users and advocates research based on user or individual perspectives. 27/05/2016www.eranid.eu13
SRA: 4 common themes 3.The social environment This theme encourages research that situates drug use and its consequences within the context of the social environment. 4.Understanding the impact and opportunities of communication technologies This theme aims to further our understanding of how communication technologies influence the drug situation and how they can be harnessed to improve responses to the drug situation, including the improvement of research methodologies. 27/05/2016www.eranid.eu14
Thank you for your attention! Go to our website to sign up for the newsletter and to find out how to join our consortium 27/05/2016www.eranid.eu15