The China Biodiversity Partnership And Framework for Action (CBPF) A Programmatic Approach for Biodiversity Conservation
Background Key elements Lessons Presentation Outline
China is a globally significant storehouse of biological diversity Despite significant policies, laws and investments by the government and support from other stakeholders – such as the GEF – many challenges remain A key issue– lack of strategic planning and framework to guide investment and work This is leading to duplication of efforts and overlapping thematic and geographic focus in some areas – and some ignored areas Background
A 2 year consultative process Led to the finalization of China Biodiversity Partnership and Framework for Action (CBPF) document in 2007 –Process was led by Government of China –UNDP : the lead GEF agency –Funding support from GEF and several others (Government of Italy) –Partnership with key conservation players like WWF, Nature Conservancy etc. –Several thematic assessments and working group meetings provided the material for the CBPF Background
CBPF has 2 components: – a partnership of key stakeholders from China’s biodiversity conservation community inside and outside the country –results-oriented “Framework for Action.” CBPF’s overall goal is “a significant reduction of the rate of biodiversity loss as a contribution to China’s sustainable development.” Key elements of the CBPF
The CBPF has 5 themes and 27 corresponding results. Themes are: 1.Improving biodiversity governance; 2.Mainstreaming consideration of biodiversity into economic sectors and plans, and investment decision making; 3.Investing effectively in reducing biodiversity loss in protected areas; 4.Investing effectively in reducing biodiversity loss outside of protected areas; and 5.Cross-cutting and CBD emerging issues (e.g., invasive alien species, access, and benefit sharing.) CBPF Themes and Results
All biodiversity projects proposed under GEF4 for China have to show fit under CBPF (all GEF agencies) Implementation of the Framework is flexible, ensuring that each partner can adapt to local needs and circumstances, and can exploit its comparative advantages. An UNDP-GEF project Priority Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Development to Implement the CBPF (“the Institutional Strengthening Project.”) has been endorsed by GEF to operationalize the partnership and address some key issues This has $4.54 million from GEF leveraged with over $15 million from GEF partners. The project will strengthen the capacity of the Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection in that agency’s critical, designated role of forging a strong and coherent partnership among national and international partners and stakeholders Operationalizing the CBPF
Lessons The formulation of the CBPF led to confirmation of key issues and results for China It also confirmed commitment from all key players to coordinate their actions It is expected to have led to more strategic and cost effective use of available resources The GEF’s proposed new strategy to support national volunteer business plan provides an opportunity for all countries to develop such strategy and partnerships
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