EPRAT ExoPlanetary Roadmap Advisory Team C V Malcolm Fridlund ESA, ESTEC.


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Presentation transcript:

EPRAT ExoPlanetary Roadmap Advisory Team C V Malcolm Fridlund ESA, ESTEC

Blue Dot Initiative Presentation EPRAT Rationale ESA has appointed an expert team to advise the Agency on the best scientific and technological roadmap to pursue in order to address the characterization of terrestrial exo-planets (up to the possible detection of biomarkers)

Blue Dot Initiative Presentation Rationale One of the four primary themes within the Cosmic Vision plan addresses the subjects of conditions for planet formation and the emergence of life. A key long term goal within this context is to understand and characterize exo-planets, in particular Earth-like planets. ESA’s Astronomy Working Group, following the analysis of the responses to the first Call for Mission for the Cosmic Vision Plan, has recognized the importance of this objective. It has therefore recommended to ESA to develop the necessary preconditions and technologies for achieving this goal. In response ESA has established the Exo-Planet Roadmap Advisory Team.

Blue Dot Initiative Presentation EPRAT Team Artie Hatzes, (Chair), Thuringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg, Germany Anthony Boccaletti, Observatoire de Meudon, France Rudolf Dvorak, Institute for Astronomy, University of Vienna, Austria Giusi Micela, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo, Italy Alessandro Morbidelli, Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, France Andreas Quirrenbach, ZAH, Landessternwarte, Germany Heike Rauer, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany Franck Selsis, Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux (LAB), France Giovanna Tinetti, University College London, UK Stephane Udry, Universit é de Genev é, Switzerland Malcolm Fridlund, (Secretary), ESA

Blue Dot Initiative Presentation Tasks (1) The Advisory Team will consult with the broad community. Input will be solicited via an open “Call for White Papers” that has been issued by ESA 25 May The Advisory Team will evaluate the papers received and will take due account of them in the preparation of the final report.

Blue Dot Initiative Presentation Tasks(2) This report is expected to cover the intermediate and long-term scientific goals for the field of exo-planet research. Report will include: –survey of existing and planned facilities, both ground- and space-based; –and the scientific goals likely to be achieved with these facilities. The team will identify: – future facilities and relevant technologies needed at these facilities to achieve the goals. –Intermediate milestones that must be met before the longer- term goals can be considered feasible.

Blue Dot Initiative Presentation Initial timeline End-May 2008:ESA issues Call for White Papers Deadline for submission of White Papers 30 July 2008 (12:00 CEST): August April 2009:EPR-AT prepares a draft roadmap June 2009:Workshop at which EPR-AT presents draft roadmap report to community and solicits feedback Summer 2009:Final roadmap report is presented to ESA and to the scientific community.

Blue Dot Initiative Presentation )Will build on emerging European exoplanet community (Ground & Space) 2)Will create flexibility to Cosmic vision and exoplanets 3)Will safeguard international factor. ESA continuously interacts with our international partners, e.g. Bi- lateral with NASA on 16 july