The Field of Geography Geography: the study of Earth and its people
Physical Geography: the study of natural features on the surface of Earth Things that can be seen (landforms) and felt (weather)
Human Geography: study of people as they have spread across Earth Who lives where? Why? How? Human-made features like towns, dams & roads
Why Themes? The 5 themes are important because they help the geographer describe the use of space. Location, Place, Movement, Region, Human- Environment Interaction
Location: Where is it? Why is it there? Absolute Location – Exact – Latitude/longitude Paris is at 48⁰ North latitude and 2⁰ East longitude – Street address TCCHS is located at 4717 Bailey Road Relative Location – Depends on a point of reference. Near, far, a short drive, etc. – Described by landmarks, time, direction or distance. A few miles from Pearland Town Center Across from Turner High School
Think about… When might it be important to use absolute location? Describe a scenario where using relative location would be beneficial.
Place: What is it like? Physical characteristics like landforms, climate bodies of water or vegetation Human characteristics such as roads, buildings, culture & beliefs
Regions: How are places similar or different? Areas defined by their physical & human characteristics Geographers divide the world into regions to help them interpret information
Formal Regions Are based on the related characteristics of an area (language, religion, climate) – Many formal regions have natural boundaries – Commonly defined b continental area and similar cultures
Functional Regions Functional regions are based on connections between places; have a “hub” or central area – Ex. A city and its suburbs
Perceptual Regions Are based on people’s feelings and attitudes of an area Likely to change over time Can be based on stereotypes and influenced by travel, movies and reading Ex. Dixie, Aggieland Tornado Alley
The World Dived into 7 Regions, Each with a Population of 1 Billion
Movement: How are people and places linked? Linear, time & psychological Movement of People – Cars, trains, planes, animals Movement of Products – Trucks, trains, planes Movement of Information/Ideas – Cell phones, computers, TV, radio, newspapers
Human-Environment Interaction: How do people relate to the physical world? We depend. – We need rivers for transportation. We adapt. – We wear clothing to protect us from the weather. We modify. – We use heaters and air conditioners in our homes.
What do you think of when I say… A hot, sunny climate is perfect for ________. A cold climate with a lot of snow is perfect for ________. Summer in Texas is the perfect time to ________.
Types of Distance Linear Distance How far across the earth something travels. Time Distance Amount of time it takes something to travel Psychological Distance The way people view distance
Questions… How can physical geography affect linear distance? List some modern inventions that have shortened time distance. How far away is “far”? What influences your perception of what is “far”?
Ask MR. HELP M- Movement R- Region HE- Human Environment Interaction L- Location P- Place
Practice Identify the themes of geography in the following photos:
Venice, Italy
Lake Tahoe, Nevada
Times Square, New York
Grand Canyon, Arizona
Sahara Desert, Africa
Hoover Dam & Bypass Bridge on Lake Mead, Nevada
Practice Are the following regions formal, perceptual, or functional?