THE HUNTER by Paul Geraghty
How do you think the baby elephant and Jamina are feeling ?
Why did Jamina decide to never be a hunter?
The Poaching Crisis Poaching is the illegal taking of wild plants and animals (or their parts). Approximately 38,000 elephants are poached every year for their ivory. African elephants could be extinct in years. Scientists estimate that one elephant is killed every 15 minutes for their ivory.
ELEPHANT INFO FACTS Two types of elephant: African and Asian. Largest land‐living mammal in the world. Female and male African elephants have tusks but only male Asian elephants have tusks.
ELEPHANT INFO FACTS Elephants have no natural predators. An elephant’s trunk can grow to 4 metres long and can weigh up to 140 kg. Female elephants spend their entire lives in large groups called herds.
ELEPHANT INFO FACTS Elephants can swim – they use their trunk to breathe like a snorkel in deep water. Female elephants are called cows. They start to have calves when they are 1 year old. An elephant can use its tusks to dig for ground water.
HOW TO HELP ELEPHANTS Study them in their keystone role in the wild. Support organizations that protect wild elephant habitat & solve human‐elephant conflicts.
HOW TO HELP ELEPHANTS DO NOT support organizations that exploit or abuse elephants and other animals for entertainment and profit. Experience elephants in their natural environment by choosing eco‐tourism operators who support local elephant conservation projects.
HOW TO HELP ELEPHANTS Be an elephant‐aware consumer. DO NOT BUY IVORY or other wildlife products. Do not buy coffee that is not fair‐traded or shade‐grown. Do not buy products with palm oil.