script, tract, cept
script means “to write”
ExampleMeaning transcript“written or printed copy” scripture“passages of writing” prescribe“authorize in writing”
Would you describe an elephant? The inscription on his tombstone was weathered and worn.
tract means “to drag, pull or draw”
ExampleMeaning contract“decrease in size” subtract“take away” attract“to draw near” distract“divert, to pull away”
Farmer John pulls the plow with a powerful tractor. Did Romeo find Juliet very attractive?
Cept means “to take, seize, or receive”
ExampleMeaning intercept“seize from between” exception“take out” accept“to willingly receive” perception“the ability to receive knowledge”
The dogs are black with the exception of the white one. Money gained through deception is worthy of jail time.
1. cept 2. script 3. tract a)“to take, seize or receive” b)“to write” c)“to drag, pull or drive”
1. cept C. “to take, seize or pull” 2. script A. “to write” 3. tract B. “to drag, pull or drive”