WELCOME TO STUDY SKILLS CLASS Mrs. Elizabeth Dunlap Room N121 Room B9139
My Teaching Credentials ◦ B.S. from Penn State ◦ Major: Education of Exceptional Children ◦ M.Ed from Sam Houston State University ◦ Major: Instructional Technology ◦ I have special ‘endorsements’ on my teaching certificate ◦ English as a Second Language- from the University of Houston studies ◦ Dyslexia Intervention Specialist – from the Neuhaus Center and T ◦ Texas Region 6 Service Center
What is the purpose of Study Skills Class? ◦ Using tools and resources to help achieve success in the classroom (for example- teacher web pages and the online gradebook access) ◦ Learning habits that improve the use of time available for study ◦ Vocabulary development – academic vocabulary ◦ Organizing time and materials for classes ◦ Learning to read and follow directions ◦ Time to work on homework assignments from other classes.
Our Classroom Rules RESPECT EACH OTHER! MAKING MISTAKES IS A VALUABLE PART OF LEARNING …………..NO TEASING OR TAUNTING Courtesy is expected in this classroom. Be prepared to work in class every day. Follow all rules in the Montgomery High School Student Handbook
Classroom Procedures ◦ Bring your planner to class everyday ◦ Students must request a pass and sign out before leaving class for any reason. ◦ Turn off and put away cell phones in class. ◦ Bring something school appropriate to read to class daily. ◦ All written assignments are turned into the tray on the table at the front of the classroom. ◦ Student folders are returned to the basket beside the cupboard. ◦ Work quietly and independently unless given permission to work with a partner or group. ◦ Sit in your assigned seat.
Parent Participation ◦ Your support is vital to the success of your student ◦ Encourage daily use of the planner for all classes. ◦ Contact me if you have a question, the best way to reach me is via ◦ A calendar of planned lessons and important dates on my web site: ◦ lassInformation ◦ Students and parents can sign up for REMIND ◦ Please include the best way to contact you on the sign in sheet
◦ by the district.