Mental and Emotional Health “ A Healthy Mind” C.J. Starnes Lacey Head Brittany Vance
The Simple Facts An individual who works out on a daily routine will experience a decrease in stress, anxiety, and depression levels. During sleep the brain and body are able to renew their energy stores and rebuild mental energy. Through challenging mental activities, new connections between nerves are made that improve our ability to retrieve information.
The Simple Facts Addictions affect the way an individual thinks and feels and also causes the individual to neglect relationships, friends and people at work and school. Alcohol can affect retrieval of verbal and non verbal information, performance on learning tasks as well as many other areas of the brain. Being socially active maintains feelings of self worth and over time can help with maintaining memory and cognitive function.
The Proof According to Chapter 5 from the book; Comprehensive School Health Education, social interaction is a leading factor in the fight against depression. The following is the statistics for children with major depressive disorder.
The Proof The following link discusses the importance of social interaction with health: ppo/CHASRS.shtml ppo/CHASRS.shtml
Skills to Practice Go outside and be active and exercise everyday even if for only 60 minutes. The goal is to be active Get a good nights sleep for elementary students at least 9 or more hours. Attempt challenging word puzzles, or learn to play an instrument.
Skills to practice Learn a new hobby such as painting or drawing. Be social with the people in your life such as parents, friends, and teachers. Volunteer to help friends or classmates with any work they may have. Stay away from alcohol and addictions because as seen nothing good comes from either of these things.
References n/a, n/a. "Alzheimer's Association." Alzheimer's Association, 07/25/2011. Web. 1 Nov ReportedMerikangas KR, He J, Burstein M, Swanson SA, Avenevoli S, Cui L, Benjet C, Georgiades K, Swendsen J. Lifetime prevalence of mental disorders in U.S. adolescents: Results from the National Comorbidity Study-Adolescent Supplement (NCS-A). J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry Oct;49(10): Lifetime Meeks, Linda. Comprehensive School Health Education. 7/e Print. Cacioppo, John. "Chicago Health Aging and Social Relations Study." University of Chicago department of Psychology. University of Chicago, n.d. Web. 1 Nov 2011.