Physical Properties to classify Metals, Nonmetals & Metalloids by.
Malleability The ability of some metals to be bent or hammered into different shapes.
Ductility The ability of some metals to be pulled or twisted into wire. If it is ductile, it is also malleable.
Brittle Breaks when you try to bend or twist it.
Luster Shines like the leg of your desk. Metallic Luster High Luster = metallic, very shiny Dull Luster = metallic, not shiny No Luster = no metallic shine
Conductor Good Conductor - Allows heat and/or electricity to easily pass through. Poor Conductor – Allows a little heat and/or electricity to pass through.
Semi-Conductor Allows some heat/electricity to pass through.
Insulator Keeps heat and/or electricity from passing through. Opposite of a conductor.
Metals Non-metals Metalloids
Metals Located on the left side of the zig-zag line Solid at room temp. (except for mercury – Hg) Good conductors of heat & electricity Shiny Malleable: Can be hammered into sheets Ductile: Can be pulled into wire
Nonmetals Located on the right side of the zig- zag line Includes gases Dull, Brittle – if solid Not malleable and not ductile Not good conductors (Are good Insulators)
Metalloids Show characteristics of metals and nonmetals (ex: have a metallic luster but NOT be a good conductor of electricity.) semiconductors of electricity (conduct electricity more easily than insulators and less easily than conductors)
Metalloids Boron Silicon Germanium Arsenic Antimony Tellurium Polonium Astatine on the zig-zag line