MuTR/MuTrig Readiness for Run13 Itaru Nakagawa on Behalf of MuTrig/MuTr Group 1
MuTr Cross Talk Status Recapacitation on South Station-1 Gap-2&3 Anode Terminator Installation to South Station-2 Clamp Installation To South Oct-1,2,3,4 Anode Terminator Installation to North Station-2 Clamp Installation to North Oct-1,2,3,4 in Oct Station-2 terminators Region installed cramp last year
Cause of MuTr HV Trip 3 HV GND Spark HV (1800 V) 1 M 100 pF Anode Wire Dry Air Cover Often the case, HV trip is caused by unwanted ground path at the capacitor or its footprint. Installing dry air cover on top of clamp to prevent moisture. Spark
Issues : Fragile Dry Air Tube Joints 4 The glue gets ripped off from the cover if the tube is under stress for a while. Need to supplement the glue. Silicon glue to give some flexibility for installation.
Solution Add more glue on it to gain extra binding strength. Tested 3 different glues at test bench though, couldn’t get to the point of optimization. We ran out of time. 5
More Issues Insufficient Dry Air Flow – The present dry air flow is not enough. – Carter will upgrade the flow meters with the one has larger maximum flow rate. 6
Muon Trigger Status Replaced 4 Masked ADTX boards with spares These bad boards are not spitting out errors now, thus can not be able to reproduce the problem. Replaced with spares however. Performance Check with Calibration Pulse and OK. South Station-1 miscabling/function test will be carried out soon. 2~3 ADTX Boards needs to be replaced in North 7
Muon Trigger Status Replaced 4 Masked ADTX boards with spares These bad boards are not spitting out errors now, thus can not be able to reproduce the problem. Replaced with spares however. Performance Check with Calibration Pulse and OK. South Station-1 miscabling/function test will be carried out soon. Fix Bad HV Channels (St-2, St-3) Decap in St-2, Oct-7 Dry air cover in a couple of St-3 channels Fix Detached Dry Air Tube Joints Installed Last Year Fixed Unstable OASys Camera Glue Mount 9