First-Year Engineering Program Advanced Energy Vehicle Topics: AEV Design Concept Screening and Scoring
First-Year Engineering Program Lab Objectives The objectives of this lab are: 1.Become familiar with techniques for design decision making 2.Become familiar with a structured method to screen and score design concepts 3.Observe a sample AEV operation 4.Using the sample AEV as a reference, practice concept screening and scoring methods with AEV design concepts
First-Year Engineering Program Decision Methods External decision—customer, client, end user Product champion—influential team member Intuition—gut feel Multi-voting—popular demand Pros and cons—evaluate strengths/weakness Prototype and test—trial and error Decision matrices—selection criteria (weigh against prioritized requirements)
First-Year Engineering Program Structured Methodology to Rank Design Concepts Focuses on customer needs Removes judgmental and emotional biases Accounts for all requirements/specifications Places emphasis on highly-weighted needs Provides effective group decision making Allows documentation of decision process
First-Year Engineering Program Two Stages to Concept Selection 1. Concept screening—screening matrix A quick method to down-select ideas Use to combine various concepts or parts Sometimes good enough for simple projects 2. Concept selection—scoring matrix Provides better resolution than screening May have better definition of concepts at this point May want to refine or create hierarchy of “Selection Criteria”
First-Year Engineering Program Rank Each Concept Reference Design Design 1 Design 2 Design 3 Success Criteria Well balanced on track Center-of-gravity in between wheels Minimal propeller blockage Ease in maintenance 1.Rank each design against every criteria. 2.Rank better, worse, or same as reference. 3.Tally scores to find best designs. 4.Combine and improve to get top several concepts. 5.Continue with next step.
First-Year Engineering Program Concept Screening Success Criteria ReferenceDesign ADesign BDesign CDesign DDesign EDesign F Balanced Minimal blockage Center-of-gravity location Maintenance Durability Cost Environmental Sum +’s Sum 0’s Sum –’s Net Score Continue ? CombineYesNo YesCombineRevise
First-Year Engineering Program Concept Scoring 1.Define Success Criteria (rows) Same as before but with perhaps more detail. Add hierarchical breakdown if necessary. 2.Weight the importance of each criteria (0-100% with column adding to 100%) 3.Define Reference and, if necessary or desired, newly revised set of design concepts as result of 1 st step. 4.Rate each design for each criteria (0-5 with 5 being best) 5.Calculate ranking by adding weighted scores. 6.Select highest ranked design concepts.
First-Year Engineering Program Concept Scoring (Select Final Design Concept) A ReferenceOld Ref & EDesign DDesign F+ Success Criteria WeightRatingWeighted Score RatingWeighted Score RatingWeighted Score RatingWeighted Score Balanced 5% Minimal blockage 15% Center-of-gravity location 10% Maintenance 25% Durability15% Cost20% Environmental10% Total Score Continue?NoDevelopNo
First-Year Engineering Program Concept Screening/Scoring Lab Activity 1.Open Concept Screening and Scoring Grading Guidelines 2.Build sample AEV from schematics Get instructional team member verification 3.Program AEV following provided instructions Verify program by running on DESKTOP stand Get approval to test on classroom track Test following PROPER TESTING PROCEDURE 4.As a team, determine Success Criteria (5 minimum) 5.Using the Sample AEV as the reference complete Concept Screening for design concepts, get instructional team member verification.
First-Year Engineering Program Concept Screening/Scoring Assignment – Summary Report 1.Using the Sample AEV as the Reference, Screen the AEV Concepts and determine the Net Score for each Concept 2.Combine or revise design concepts and rescreen and proceed with concept scoring as needed 3.Weight each Success Criteria and determine the Total Score for each original, combined, and/or revised concept 4.Write summary report following grading guidelines 5.Read External Sensor assigned readings
First-Year Engineering Program Classroom Track Testing Procedure Proper Testing Procedure 1.Open AEV Classroom Track Testing Procedure.pdf in Preparations folder and go over in class. 2.Demonstrate with TAs.