Compilation of Earning Budget Expenditure budget Unit level by executives in association with DAO. Incremental in nature HQ: FA&CAO(F&B) Respective dept. Earnings budget Zonal level by commercial dept in association with traffic accounts More analytical as taken from statistical data HQ: FA&CAO(T) CCM responsible.
Components of earnings Goods-NTKM-305b Passenger-pkm-430b Other coaching like postal luccage & military warrants etc. sundries – DR and license and advertisements etc Earnings are function of three variables:1.tonnage.2.lead.3.rate.
Concepts and figures Net ton km = tonnage * km Gross ton km = tonnage(inclu empty wt of wagon)* km. Average lead = avg. distance over which goods traveled Avg. rate = paise/ tkm For goods : tonnage = 475mt. avg. lead = 669km avg.rate = 71paise/km
contd.. For passenger : Passengers : 4585m Ave.lead : upper class = 607km sleeper class = 480km ordn. Class = 82km Avg.rate : Uc – 86paise SL – 24paise orc – 13paise
Compilation of goods earnings Goods earnings are worked out for all commodity indivudually. Source is from the statement of 7c How to calculate? Eg. Coal. Exp Er of Coal = exp tonnage* exp avg lead* avg.fright rate EEC= (Tc + ΔTC)* (LC + ΔLC)*fright avg
Contd.. Avg lead = Σ i T i * L I / Σ i T i avg fright = Σ i F i / Σ i T i L I f/tkm Likewise for all commodities the expected earnings are calculated. comm odities E.tonn age E.leadFright rate Exp ear coal Ore#### ######## Ceme nt…. $$$$ $$$$$$$ Total exp earning = xxxxx
Contd.. This total expected earnings is the local and foreign retained earning. The similar exercise is done for received traffic. And add to the above will give total carried traffic expected earnings. Compilation for passenger traffic earnings Expected earning has to be worked out class wise but the source of data is from 6A statement. Eesl = exp pass* exp av.lead* av rate
Contd.. EESl = (ps + Δps)* (Ls + ΔLs)*av. Fare SL Avg lead = Σ i P i * L I / Σ i P i avg fright = Σ i F i / Σ i P i L I repeat this for all the classes classNo.passA. Lead Av.far e Total earning Ac SL ord E.sub total earning( = YYYYY
Similarly do for received traffic OTHER COACHING(source : DR) eg. Postal and military..carriage bills and warrants are raised as demands recoverable by accounts office billing. SUNDRIES : ( source : DR)eg. Land lecence fee and other commercial lease outs rents etc are also collected thro AOB. Methodology: stations cash office sorting Tao cash&voucher register traffic booking billing&realization
Thank u all…