Global Trigger H. Bergauer, L. Boldizsár, A. Jeitler, P. Hidas, K. Kastner, S. Kostner, N. Neumeister, M. Padrta, P. Porth, H. Rohringer, H. Sakulin, J. Strauss, A. Taurok, C.-E. Wulz CMS Week CERN, 24 Sep 2002 presented by Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz
CMS Week, Sep C.-E. Wulz2 Global Trigger (Vienna) PSB (Pipeline Synchronizing Buffer)Input synchronization (7 boards including GMT) GTL (Global Trigger Logic) Logic calculation (1-2 boards) FDL (Final Decision Logic) L1A decision (1 board) TCS (Trigger Control System Modeule)Central Trigger Control (1 board) NEW: L1A (Level-1 Accept Module)Delivery of L1A (1 board) TIM (Timing Board)Timing (1 board) GTFE (Global Trigger Frontend) Readout (1 board)
CMS Week, Sep C.-E. Wulz3 New layout of Global Trigger 9U Crate
CMS Week, Sep C.-E. Wulz4 Global Trigger Logic Prototype Board GTL-6U GTL-6U Automatic chip design and setup procedure developed. Layout for a 20 channel GTL (4 , 4 isol. e/ , 4 central jets, 4 fwd jets, E T, E T miss, 8 jet multiplicities; other quadruplets can be connected alternatively for tests) has been finished! 1020-pin Altera FPGA 20k400E not yet included. The layout of a conversion board to be used later in final 9U-crate is ready. It contains also memories in FPGA’s to send simulated test data to the GTL-6U board. A decision on a redefinition of jet input groups has been taken. It was decided to keep the present best 4 central jets, 4 forward jets and 4 -jets and jet multiplicities for different E T thresholds. A new quantity H T giving the transverse energy sum of all good jets above threshold has been added. The exact definition of how to calculate the jet multiplicities ( -range) still has to be taken at the level of the calorimeter trigger. More than 8 values could be necessary.
CMS Week, Sep C.-E. Wulz5 Global Trigger Logic Board GTL-9U New: H T
CMS Week, Sep C.-E. Wulz6 GT Conversion Board
CMS Week, Sep C.-E. Wulz7 GTL-6U Prototype Schematics Design simplified, board available by June 2003
CMS Week, Sep C.-E. Wulz8 Final Decision Logic FDL-9U FPGA design has started. Board available by June Monitoring of all algorithm and L1A bits Prescaling of all algorithms Trigger Mask 8 L1A’s in parallel for partition modes Input of up to 64 technical trigger bits from PSB possible
CMS Week, Sep C.-E. Wulz9 FDL-9U
CMS Week, Sep C.-E. Wulz10 Timing Board TIM-6U TIM-6U The board contains a TTCrx chip and provides all timing signals for the GT crate. It will also be used in the Drift Tube Track Finder crates. An FPGA provides all necessary test functions to run the crate without the central TTC clock. It simulates also L1A requests for monitoring or to test the readout chain. The schematic design is finished. The layout is in progress, decided to go ahead as planned with mezzanine TTCrx solution. The final Timing Board will be 6U (previously 9U) and is expected for June 2003.
CMS Week, Sep C.-E. Wulz11 TIM-6U
CMS Week, Sep C.-E. Wulz12 Central Trigger Control System Board TCS-9U TCS-9U Its functions and the input / output cables are defined. Design of schematics and the TCS chip is in progress. The board is expected by April Trigger Partitions: The maximum number of subsystems is fixed (32). An almost final agreement about the output to the DAQ Event Manager has been reached. The input format of Fast Signals is fixed. 4 coded bits per subsystem, sent as LVDS parallel data, and RJ45 connectors are proposed. The TCS board provides data for the ”TTCci” (new CMS-TTCvi). A L1A driver module to be used with the TTCci has been conceived.
CMS Week, Sep C.-E. Wulz13 TCS within Global Trigger New: 8 DAQ partitions (asynchronous TTS)
CMS Week, Sep C.-E. Wulz14 TCS board schematics TCS monitoring chip Clk,L1A, 8 emulators TCS_fastsigs to 8DAQ_part VME L1A,BGo... to TTCci TCS chip Clock PLL
CMS Week, Sep C.-E. Wulz15 Begin of event BOR Identifier // Begin of record 32 bits Trigger numberNr of all L1A sent since begin of run (8h with 100kHz =ABA9 5000hex) 32 bits DAQ partition number 3 bits (30..28), + Trigger Type 4bits (19..16), + Bunch crossing number 12 bits (11..0) 32 bits Subdetector partitions // bit nn=1 Subd.-part. nn is connected to this DAQ-partition. 32 bits Event Number // since last ‚Reset Event Counter‘; 28 bits (27-0) **) 32 bits Orbit number // since last ‚Reset Orbit Counter‘; ( 29 bits=13.5h) **) 32 bits Algo bits_0Physics trigger algorithm bits bits Algo bits_1Physics trigger algorithm bits bits Algo bits_2Physics trigger algorithm bits bits Algo bits_3Physics trigger algorithm bits bits Algo bits_4reserved for optional upgrade32 bits Algo bits_5 reserved for optional upgrade 32 bits Technical trigger bitsbits //also used for external test trigger signals 32 bits End of EventEOR Identifier // End of record 32 bits Data sources in Global Trigger crate: FDL = Final Decision board TCS = Central Trigger Control board Preliminary Version 28 Aug 2002 Note: GPS time in EVM record also foreseen Subdetector partitions are combined in groups connected to a DAQ partition. Only 1 DAQ partition triggers at a time due to DAQ restrictions. The same trigger type is valid for all members (=subdetector partitions) of this DAQ-partition.* ) *) Therefore TCS does not send a (redundant) dedicated trigger type for each subdetector partition. **) Reset Event/Orbit Counter can be sent at different times to each single DAQ-partition. Preliminary GT event record for Event Manager FDL TCS
CMS Week, Sep C.-E. Wulz16 Global Trigger Setup Program Environment Task of GT Setup Program: 1)Configure chips - via VME, JTAG (or from PROM) 2) Load registers, LUTs, memories - via VME Remarks: - For standard datataking, the trigger menu, setup of logic and thresholds from database (e.g..xml) files, which are converted to HW format by custom or HAL device drivers. - For testing configuration files can also be loaded directly with Altera/Xilinx (e.g. MasterBlaster/ByteBlaster) hardware. - Run Control interfacing to be done. - JTAG programming not yet explored
CMS Week, Sep C.-E. Wulz17 Setup for GT Logic Configuration GTL-Conversion Card VME-MXI-2 MXI Cable VME Crate Linux PC running XDAQ equipped with PCI-MXI Card VME-MXI-2 Crate Controller VME-Bus Thanks to J. Gutleber for help with XDAQ!
CMS Week, Sep C.-E. Wulz18 Crate for Global Trigger Tests GTL Conversion Board PSB-6U VME MXI-2 Crate Controller
CMS Week, Sep C.-E. Wulz19 Global Trigger Milestones Oct (orig. March 2002): System Test -> Delayed to June 2003 This includes the backplane-6U, the PSB-6U, GTL-6U, FDL-9U and TIM-6U. The GTFE and the GMT are not included. Oct. 2002: Backplane-9U tested -> Delayed to March 2003 Oct (orig. July 2002): TCS-9U tested -> Delayed to April 2003 June 2003: GTFE-9U tested -> Delayed to Dec Dec. 2003: 20-channel Global Trigger tested -> Delayed to June 2004 Milestone Dec. 2003: GMT ready -> Delayed to Jun July 2004: 12-channel PSB-9U available Nov. 2004: Complete 32-channel Global Trigger available Includes GTL-9U module with all input channels (4 , 4 isol. e/ , 4 non-isol. e/ , 12 jet channels, H T, E T, E T miss, jet multiplicities).
CMS Week, Sep C.-E. Wulz20 Global Trigger Status Sept Custom Backplane for VME 9U crate 46U Prototype: Channel Links...existsMS 3/02* –9U Backplane: 80MHz GTLp and Channel Links, in progressMS 10/02 03/03 PSB Input board (synchronisation, monitoring) 46 channel 6U Prototype: Channel Link receivers... board testedMS 3/02* –12 channel board: memories inside FPGAs...conceptual design MS 7/04 GTL Logic board: 4Conversion board for prototype...board testedMS 3/02* –GTL6U prototype: 20 channels...layout doneMS 3/02* 06/03 4 , 4ie/ , 4 cjets, 4 fjets, ETT,mET, 8 nr_of jets other quadruplets can be connected alternatively for tests –GTL9U board: 32 channels...conceptual design MS 11/04 4 , 4ie/ , 4e/ , 4 cjets, 4 fjets, 4 tau_jets,ETT,mET, HT, nrs_of jets TIM Timing board...layout in progressMS 3/02 06/03 –6U size, TTCrx, clock and L1A distribution, also used by DTTF FDL-9U Final Decision in progressMS 3/02 06/03 TCS-9U Central Trigger Control in progressMS 7/02 04/03 GTFE-9U Readout board...conceptual designMS 6/03 12/03 *) Milestone (MS) Mar-02: All prototype boards except GTFE+GMT.
CMS Week, Sep C.-E. Wulz21 Progress since 2001 GTL-6U board: layout done GTL Conversion board: produced and tested Test program written in CVI with GUI Configuration program implemented using XDAQ. TIM board: FPGA and board design done, layout in progress TCS board: Final definition of functions and IO-signals done, Schematic and FPGA design in progress FDL board: Final definition of functions and IO-signals done, Schematic and FPGA design in progress Definition of requirements for the GT setup program in progress
CMS Week, Sep C.-E. Wulz22 Conclusions Global Trigger New processor crate layout, GTL layout finished, other boards well advanced, work on software requirements and solutions started Trigger Control System Interfaces to subsystems including Event Manager and partition handling defined This talk can be found at: wulz_CMSWeek_sep2002.ppt Detailed information about the Global Trigger is available on the HEPHY Vienna web sites: