Biological Diversity التنوع (الأحيائى) البيولوجى Classification of living organisms تصنيف الكائنات الحية The organization of living things can be seen like a pyramid or tree with seven major levels or categories: 1. Kingdom مملكة 2. Phylum شعبة 3. Class طائفة 4. Order رتبة 5. Family عائلة 6. Genus جنس 7. Species نوع e.g. Chlorella vulgaris Chorella vulgaris
نظم التصنيف Classification system Two kingdoms system (Old System) Kingdom Plantae ( Plant Kingdom ) Kingdom Animalia (Plant Kingdom )
نظم التصنيف Classification system Five Kingdom Classification System Kingdom Monera البدائيات Prokaryotic nucleus, single-celled Kingdom Protista الأوليات Eukaryotic nucleus (EN), single-celled Kingdom Fungi الفطريات EN, cell wall contains chitin Kingdom Plantae النباتات EN, chloroplast Kingdom Animalia الحيوانات EN, muscular and nervous systems and coordination
نظم التصنيف Classification system Two Kingdoms system Kingdom plantae Subkingdom Acellular (non-cellular) organisms e,g. Viruses Subkingdom Cellular organisms Phylum Prokaryota e.g. Bacteria, Cyanobacteria (Blue green algae) Phylum Eukaryota e.g. Mycophyta (Fungi) Phycophyta (Algae) Archegoniate ( Bryophta, Pteridophyta) Spermatophyta (Gymnospermae, Angiospermae)
Acellular (non-cellular) organisms Viruses e.g. Bacteriophage
Bacteriophage life cycle
Asexual reproduction: Fission
Bacterial Growth and Reproduction النمو والتكاثر فى البكتري Growth requirements Physical e.g. Temperature, ph, Humidity, Chemical e.g. Nutrients (C, N, P, S, microelements)