Warm-up 10/24/11 Teach the Teacher: What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you as far as health stuff goes (like break an arm, be in the hospital for a sickness, etc) that you feel like sharing.Teach the Teacher: What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you as far as health stuff goes (like break an arm, be in the hospital for a sickness, etc) that you feel like sharing. Review: What is the acronym for remembering the levels of classification (use your notes!)Review: What is the acronym for remembering the levels of classification (use your notes!)
Learning Targets Learning Target: What is a virus? How does a virus make people sick? What type of diseases are caused by viruses?Learning Target: What is a virus? How does a virus make people sick? What type of diseases are caused by viruses?
Warm-up 3/1/12 Teach The Teacher: What was your favorite childrens book when you were growing up?Teach The Teacher: What was your favorite childrens book when you were growing up? Review: Which kingdom is one celled and does NOT have a nucleus.Review: Which kingdom is one celled and does NOT have a nucleus. LT: Describe characteristics of a virus.LT: Describe characteristics of a virus.
Protists Sarcodina - the amoeba Ciliophora - the paramecium Zoomastigina - the trypanosoma Sporozoa - the plasmodiumSarcodina - the amoeba Ciliophora - the paramecium Zoomastigina - the trypanosoma Sporozoa - the plasmodium Chlorophyta - the green algae Phaeophyta - the brown algae Rhodophyta - the red algae Bacillariophyta - the diatoms Dinoflagellata -Chlorophyta - the green algae Phaeophyta - the brown algae Rhodophyta - the red algae Bacillariophyta - the diatoms Dinoflagellata -
Characteristics non-living particlesnon-living particles invade living cellsinvade living cells pathogenic - named after the disease they cause or organ they infectpathogenic - named after the disease they cause or organ they infect smallest of all organismssmallest of all organisms T-4 Virus - infects E. coli
Origin of Viruses Viruses may have originated from host cellsViruses may have originated from host cells first seen by an electron microscope first seen by an electron microscope Tobacco mosaic virus - first virus discovered Tobacco mosaic virus - first virus discovered Wendell Stanley ( ) first isolated TMV in 1935.
Viral Structure Inner core - contains viral DNA or RNA (never both) Capsid - outer coat of protein Envelope - outer layer on larger viruses
Various Shapes of Viruses
Viral Replication Lytic Cycle 1. Attachment1. Attachment 2. Injection2. Injection 3. Replication3. Replication 4. Assembly4. Assembly 5. Lysis5. Lysis
LYSOGENIC CYCLE 1. Attachment 2. Injection 3.Viral DNA integration (provirus) 4. Cell division 5. Replication 6. Assembly 7. Lysis
Smallpox Variola (Major & Minor) First virus to be studied in detail Edward Jenner First vaccine - cowpox virus (vaccinia virus)
Edward Jenner - discovered a vaccine for smallpox
Child with smallpox
Last case of smallpox (Ali Maow of Merka, Somalia, contracted smallpox in 1977 at the age of 23. His was the last known case of smallpox in the world.)
Icosahedral Virus (many sides) Wart virus Polio - Naked, small, icosahedral virus
Children with measles (uncommon today)
Attachment of a phage to the cell wall of E-Coli
Temperate vs. Virulent Viruses
HERPES ZOSTER (“Shingles”)
Retroviruses RNA virusesRNA viruses Reverse transcriptase - makes DNA from its RNAReverse transcriptase - makes DNA from its RNA Includes HIV, polio & some cancersIncludes HIV, polio & some cancers HIV
Retrovirus Cycle
Louis Pasteur - discovered a vaccine for rabies
Animal Rabies in U. S. 1999
Warm-up 3/2/12 Teach the Teacher: What is your favorite Saturday morning cartoon?Teach the Teacher: What is your favorite Saturday morning cartoon? Review: What are some diseases caused by a virus?Review: What are some diseases caused by a virus? Lt: Draw and label the steps of the lysogenic cycle and the lytic cycle.Lt: Draw and label the steps of the lysogenic cycle and the lytic cycle.
Warm-up 3/7/12 Teach the Teacher: If you could go on any field trip in Rapid City and be able to relate it to school where would you want to go?Teach the Teacher: If you could go on any field trip in Rapid City and be able to relate it to school where would you want to go? Review: What are the two cycles of a virus?Review: What are the two cycles of a virus? Learning Target: Describe characteristics of a virus.Learning Target: Describe characteristics of a virus.