US Army My Grandfather- John Scull Eric Scull Pd.4 Wingard
Nature of Work Protect your country with your life. Carry out missions given to you by your leaders. Work together with your fellow soldiers to complete what needs to be done. Provide for whomever needs your help. Provide security.
Education and Training needed All members must have a High School Diploma. Officers usually will need a bachelor's or graduate degree. You need to pass the Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Battery test. The next step is to pass the physical examination and sign an enlistment contract. Must complete Basic Training.
Other Qualifications necessary Members must be able to withstand stressful situations that can occur during military operations. Members must be physically fit to participate in or support combat missions that may be difficult or dangerous. Members of the Armed Forces must be ready and able to report for military assignments on short notice. Must be at least 17 years of age U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status Never convicted of a felony Able to pass a drug test
Job outlook and (future) prospects The number of active-duty personnel is expected to remain constant through A drawdown from recent conflicts may lead to a decrease in the number of active-duty personnel. The current goal of the Armed Forces is to maintain a force sufficient to fight and win two major regional conflicts at the same time. About 165,000 personnel must be recruited each year to replace those who complete their commitment or retire. High school graduates and applicants with a college background will be sought to fill the ranks of enlisted personnel.
Potential earnings now and in the future Average pay for an enlisted officer is around $3,500 a month. Basic pay is based on rank and time in service. Members of the Army receive additional pay for foreign duty, hazardous duty, submarine duty, flight duty, and for being medical officers. Retirement pay is generally available after 20 years of service. Members of the military are housed free of charge on base and are given cloths, food, etc.
Related Occupations Navy Marines Air Force Coast Guard National Guard
Works Cited "What They Do." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Web. 03 May "United States Army." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 Jan Web. 02 May "ARMY.MIL Features." Symbols & Insignias of the United States Army. Web. 02 May "ARMY.MIL, The Official Homepage of the United States Army." Fort Jackson. Web. 02 May "Latest Android News, Applications and Forum Discussion." Web. 02 May "United States Armed Forces." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 Jan Web. 02 May "A Career as a US Army Military Exchange Specialist Â." A Career as a US Army Military Exchange Specialist. Web. 02 May "United States Navy." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 Jan Web. 02 May