Our Days as a Shopaholic By: Kendra Trotter And Mercy Rivers
What is a fraction of the stores we were supposed to attend to all the stores in the mall? 3/21 Which when is simplified to 1/7. The trip to the mall was supposed to be short and simple, but it turned into a day of shopping uncontrollably. When we arrived we were only supposed to go to three stores out of twenty-one in the biggest mall in New York, New York.
If the ring was originally $200, but it was on sale for 25%. What would be the total for the ring? $150 The stores were so amazing that we just had to go to many more than just three. So to start off we planned to go and spend $200 on jewelry. So we decided to go to Coach Outlet. The jewelry was originally $200, but it was on sale for 25% off.
We want to buy these shoes which are $450 and are 1/2 off, but we only want to spend $250 on shoes. Are we able to purchase these shoes? Yes. The shoes would be $225. While we were in Coach Outlet we saw some of the cutest shoes in the display window next door. They were purple high heels with a black bow, but the problem was they were approximately $450. There was only one way to buy these super adorable shoes, and that was if they were on clearance. Just our luck they were ½ off.
So far, how much have we spent? We have spent $150 on jewelry, $225 on shoes, and then $475 for a dress. How much have we spent in all? $850 in all. After we bought the shoes we definitely had to buy an outfit to match. We didn’t find anything in the store that we had bought the shoes from, but as we were walking in the mall we spotted the perfect outfit on a mannequin. The dress was $475.
If the car’s cost was $240,000, how many $50 bills would we use if we paid in cash? 4,800 Okayy so since we are here in New York, New York our ride had to be super fly. Well since we are filthy rich, and can get anything we want we decided to buy a car that would make the paparazzi wanna take more photos. The Ferrari was $240,000.
So this is the deal… we could only invite a maximum of 200 people, we sent out 210 invitations by text and ¾ of the people came. How many people arrived? 158 people came. Later, we figured that after buying a whole wardrobe with a car to match, after cruising around the city we pulled up to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. It is one of the most expensive hotels in town. We told the clerk that we wanted the top floor all to ourselves for the party that night. He told us it would be $1,500 a night, but we could add room service for $125. we thought that’s a fair price so we took the offer.
If there are 158 people, how much will we spend in total on dinner? We would spend $28,440 on dinner. As we invited the people,we forgot that we didn’t have any refreshments to serve. So we order the best dinner you can find in New York, New York. The dinner came from Le Bernardin, the meals here are priced at $180 per person.
My friend believed that we wouldn’t spend over 30,000, is she right or wrong? She is wrong, the price was going to be 31,320. Since we are good hosts we didn’t want our guests leaving without something special. So my friend suggested that we give out touch-screen iPods. Also, the iPods were to have a case with their name on it. The iPod with the case would cost a total of $174.
How long did we sleep? 7 hours As the night progressed we became more and more exhausted, so finally we decided to call it quits and sleep for a good long time. We went to sleep at 3a.m. and woke up around 10a.m., because we had many more stores to shop at.
We would pay the 3,700 at the end of the day. After we were finally got dressed and ready to go out and shop, we remembered our appointment at the Mandarin Oriental Spa which was 23 miles away. We didn’t want to mess up the manicures and pedicures, so we rented a limousine to take us there and then to the mall which is an additional 14 miles. The limousine costs $50 per mile.
How much time did we spend in all? 1 hour and 45 minutes. When we got to the spa, we knew we could only spend two hours so that we would be able to have a good day at the mall. While at the spa we spent 30 minutes getting a massage, 14 minutes getting a tan, and then we spent 45 minutes getting our manicures and pedicures, and then we spent 16 minutes in the Jacuzzi.
If the earrings were 13,000 but had a 15% discount, how much were the earrings? The earrings were $11,050. When we got to the mall after leaving the spa we went to Tiffany’s & Company. The first thing that caught my eye were these stunning earrings glistening under the counter window. I just had to buy them, they were so beautiful. The only problem was that they were 13,000.
The purse on the left was $360, but had a 25% discount. The purse on the right was $450 but had a 36% discount. Which is the better deal? The purse on the left. Later when we were in Dooney & Burke, we saw some of the of the cutest purses ever. They were so cute that we just had to but one, but we couldn’t figure out which one would be a better deal. $270 $308
If the cost for the street was 2.5 million and we were going to pay half, how much would we be paying? It would be 1.25 million. Boom!! While leaving the mall we saw an accident on 192 Main Street. It was horrible. The police around the accident said that only two people had survived the crash. We wanted to know how we could help at the scene of the accident. The man told us we could pay the city half of what it would cost to fix the street, which would be 2.5 million.
To end our day our daddies‘ told us the most wonderful news. He said that since we had done a good deed, we could shop anywhere in the world that we wanted. Well you know us, never know where we might end up next. Shopaholics Purses Shoes Accessories Cars
Paris Italy FranceHawaii Where will we end up next?