ICANN, Internet and the future Philip Sheppard, AIM - European Brands Association Names Council ICANN
ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers Numbers - interest to technocrats Names - of interest to Intellectual Property (IP)
Self-regulation - the players Pipes and wires of the Internet global registries, country registries, registrars, Internet Service Providers Net users business, non-commercial, intellectual property
Key IP issues Domain names and the potential for cybersquatting So, need for accurate information (WHOIS) So, need for dispute resolution (UDRP) So, need for care in new domain names
ICANN reform After four years, time to review the structures and process Agreed in Shanghai, November 2002 new by-laws slimmer Board, some chosen by a nominating committee new policy process separation of generics and country-names
New policy issues Transfers and deletes of domain names- restrictive practices Improving WHOIS data Improving the UDRP Internationalised domain names New top-level domain names (gTLDs)
New names - polarised debate IP advocates shocked from.com cybersquating Non-comms (freedom to name advocates) shocked from losing domains
Common ground IP objective =consumer confidence IP strategy = IPR priority Non-comm objective = fair use Non-comms strategy = limit IPR priority Same objective from perspective of net user Findability
Proposal for differentiated names .com,.info are unrestricted, unsponsored .museum,.aero are restricted/sponsored restricted to a set of users sponsored by an enforcement body Business wants all new names to be: restricted/sponsored subject to six principles
Creating clarity - principles 1.Differentiation – a gTLD must be clearly differentiated from all other gTLDs. 2.Certainty – a gTLD must give the user confidence that it stands for what it purports to stand for. 3.Honesty – a gTLD must avoid increasing opportunities for bad faith entities who wish to defraud users.
Domain name principles 4. Competition – a gTLD must create value- added competition. 5. Diversity – a gTLD must serve commercial or non-commercial users. 6. Meaning – a gTLD must have meaning to its relevant population of users.
A directory of names Restricted / sponsored and these six principles creates a taxonomy or directory for the domain name system. Solves 3 IP issues: No possibility to cyber squat No need/ability to defensively register Accurate WHOIS
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