Facebook Demographics 10 Largest Countries 1.United States156,820,080 2.India45,796,460 3.Brazil44,622,060 4.Indonesia42,684,840 5.Mexico33,088,000 6.Turkey30,991,820 7.United Kingdom30,538,320 8.Philippines27,331,380 9.France24,144, Germany23,409,180
54% tweet through their phone 36% tweet at least once per day Average time on Twitter: 12 minutes per visit Grab the attention of Tweeters Demographics: 15% Income over $75,000 18% Ages years old 14% years old 15% College degree or higher
“Facebook and Twitter Demographics Explain Marketers’ Social Media Demand” Wed, 13 Apr 2011 | By Lara O'ReillyLara O'Reilly
United States Top Cities using Tumblr: Los Angeles New York
Facebook purchasing Instagram for $1 billion Mobile applications Instagram’s expansion and publicity
Facebook: 2012: 794,564,900 users Twitter 2012: 140,000,000 users Tumblr: February 2012: 46,200,000 blogs Instagram: March 2012: 27,000,000 users Overall Social Media for
Social Media Calendar Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly
Cross Messaging 6 Sunday 7 Monday 8 Tuesday 9 Wednesday 10 Thursday 11 Friday 12 Saturday Health Upcoming Events Jewelry Design and Clothing for Healthy Living Zen or Feng Shui Interior Decorating, Importance of Healthy Living Lifestyle Choices of the Past, Healthy vs. Non Health Book Authors, advice Ambient Music, Music for Peace and Serenity Great Health Conscious Restaurants in Chicago January 2013 Upcoming Fashion, Home & Dance, Novelists, Music Socailites Events Jewelry, Garden, Geneology Film, History Interior Design Floral Design
Online Social Networking Service Used to reach a Varied Demographic 845 million active users Free Marketing tool Used to promote TalksChic by spreading awareness of upcoming events Facebook
Used as a conduit to reach a youthful social media consumer. To focus on upcoming events through entries that talk about what TalksChic is promoting each week. Providing visuals and Marketing through information about upcoming events.
Online social networking service Communication tool that lets one person connect with another Over 140 million active users as of 2012
Follow industry leaders Questions and answers Links to websites Events Speaker Quotes Linked with Facebook Calendar
What Do People Tweet About?
Ultimate microblogging platform Allows TalksChic to post multimedia and other content to a "tumblelog." Other social network sites such as Twitter will be linked to page
Posts are controlled and updated via dashboard Facilitates with media, photo, and more. Content appears on dashboard for followers to interact and respond to
Adding followers: Add others via Tumblr based on hashtags, content, and keywords Reblog: Allow others' content to be visible on dashboard (in this case, speakers) Likes: Asses which content reaches more people and gives an idea of what readers are looking for Additional Functions:
Instagram Free photo sharing Launched October 2012 Allows users to take photos apply a digital filter to it, and then share it on a variety of social networking services. Originally only available for iOS platforms April 2012, Android camera phones support
Users by Date: Oct : 100,000 Oct : 12 million Mar : 27 million