Today… You Need: Notebook Pen or Pencil We Are Going To: Fill and eat Pate a Choux Take notes over pie Pastry Experiment Review for test tomorrow Reminder: Test Tomorrow (Yeast Bread)
Pie & Pastry Culinary Arts II
Pie – any dish consisting of a crust with a filling Fruit Pies Ex. Apple, Cherry, Strawberry Rhubarb Cream Pies Similar to a pudding Ex. French Silk, Banana Cream Custard Pies Uncooked custard is baked with the crust Ex. Pumpkin, Pecan Savory Pies Cooked meat or vegetables in a thickened sauce Ex. Chicken Pot Pie
Pastry Dough Ingredients Flour, water, fat and salt Flour and water form the structure Fat provides tenderizing qualities Vegetable shortening and lard are pure fats, they make the flakiest crust The water present in butter, margarine and cream cheese create a more crumbly texture
Preparing the Pastry Dough Similar to preparing biscuits Cut the fat into the flour with a pastry blender Add water one tablespoon at a time, mixing lightly with a wooden spoon Dough should be mixed and handled as little as possible Once the dough is rested to relax the gluten, this minimizes shrinkage during baking
Rolling the Pastry Dough Sprinkle the work surface and rolling pin with flour Flatten the dough slightly and roll from the center out About 1/8 inch thick and 2 inches larger than the pie pan A pie crust should have a fluted edge, which creates an attractive edge or finish Lattice crust makes an eye-catching woven top on a two- crust pie
One Crust Pie A pie shell is a bottom crust is baked before the filling is added Docking – poking small holes in the dough before it is baked A Crumb Crust is made of crushed crackers or cookies and is a simpler alternative to pastry dough