BOOMERanG Launch (Dec. 28, 1998) EPS HEPP Prizes – Grenoble July 25, 2011 P. de Bernardis – Sapienza – Roma
BOOMERanG-98 & MAXIMA : The first views of causal horizons at recombination 3 peaks first peak
Evidence from these experiments : “Acoustic”, adiabatic oscillations in the primeval photons-baryons plasma Geometry of the universe and its mass-energy density its composition in terms of baryons, dark matter and dark energy An early inflation process is needed All these have a huge impact on our understanding of fundamental physics.
peaks (!) There is, however, much more. A lot is still to be gained from precision measurements of the CMB.
Planck carries a complex CMB experiment all the way to L2 improving the sensitivity wrt WMAP by at least a factor 10, the angular resolution by a factor 2-3 and extending the frequency coverage towards high frequencies by a factor about 10
HFI LFI PPPPPPP These characteristics boost the reliability of the cosmological fluctuations detected.
Thermal performance : Planck collaboration: astro-ph/1101:2023
Mission : Planck collaboration: astro-ph/1101:2022
ERCSC : Planck collaboration: astro-ph/1101:2041 # sources Faintest source vs. frequency band
ERCSC (>15000) All sky Early Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster sample (189) Early Cold Cores Sample (915) Galaxies ……
Thanks to its all-sky coverage, Planck has a unique capability to detect the rarest and most massive clusters in the exponential tail of the mass function. As a matter of fact, two of the newly- discovered clusters in the ESZ and confirmed by XMM- Newton have estimated total masses larger than M sol. All-sky Sunyaev-Zeldovich clusters
Forthcoming : (with Planck and after Planck)
B-modes & non-gaussianity High precision polarization measurements might detect the rotational component of the polarization pattern of the CMB, which is related to the tensor fluctuations generated during the inflation process. This is a generic prediction of all inflation scenarios. At the moment the upper limit on the ratio of tensor to scalar fluctuations is of the order of r = 0.3. Planck can well reach r = 0.01, but future, optimized measurements can reach r = If these measurements will be successful we will be able to constrain the energy scale of the inflation process down to 6.5x10 15 GeV, probing physics at energies so high that are not testable in current and future accelerators. Similar constraints are expected from detections of non-gaussianity of the CMB. astro-ph /
Neutrino masses Massive neutrinos (a fraction of eV) are relativistic during the early matter domination era, and not relativistic today. They escape from overdensities and suppress structure growth. Also, the lensing from modified matter fluctuations is modified. For both reasons, the anisotropy and polarization power spectra of the CMB are sensitive to neutrino mass. Planck: detection if > 0.2 eV Future optimized instruments: 50 meV, sufficient to distinguish normal and inverted mass hierarchies. CMB measurements probe an early linear pase, and complement very well optical measurements in the non-linear phase (BAO & lensing) Blue: no mass N =3, m =0.65 eV Red: N =3, m =0.65 eV
With Planck : < 0.2 eV From Fogli et al. 2008, Astro-ph/
Constraints on Neutrino Masses from CMB + Priors Red: 1000 riv+ Prior 1% H 0 + Priori 2% m Blue: 5000 riv+ Prior 1% H 0 + Priori 2% m Red Dashed: 1000 riv+ Prior 0.5% H 0 + Priori 1% m Blue Dashed: 5000 riv+ Prior 0.5% H 0 + Priori 1% m Limits at 95% c.l.: With external priors on the Hubble parameter And the matter density also the Normal Hierarchy can be probed: safe detection of a neutrino mass. constraints on neutrino masses (from Pagano & Melchiorri) constraints on neutrino masses (from Pagano & Melchiorri)
7.5 ’ 1ES
OLIMPO balloon payload (Masi et al. 2008), with solar panels, ground shield and sun shield removed. Note the tiltable 2.6m primary mirror and the lightweigth secondary. Pointing is obtained rotating the payload around an azimuth pivot and changing the elevation of the inner frame, including the telescope, the FTS and the detector’s cryostat The total mass of the payload is 1.5 tons.
The Payload Elevation motor Azimuth pivot Cryostat with cold optics and detector arrays Readout electronics window LHe 60 L LN 60L Reimaging optics dichroics arrays FTS
Simulated OLIMPO measurement of a cluster l.o.s. with th =0.005, T e =10 keV, nonth =0.0001, v pec =500 km/s, I dust The data with the error bars are simulated observations from a single pixel of the OLIMPO-FTS, for an integration time of 3 hours. The two lines through the data points represent the input theory (thin) and the best fit for the plotted data realization (thick). The other thin lines represent thermal plus non-thermal SZE, and dust emission. this shift is due to the peculiar velocity of the cluster The high-frequency excess is due to a modest amount of dust dust thermal + non-thermal SZ
Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDs) arrays Caltech, Grenoble, SRON, Cardiff … and also made in Italy, FBK + Sapienza + Perugia, M. Calvo et al. Experimental Astronomy (2010) 28: 185–194
Applications of mm-wave imagers and polarimeters Vision through fog Vision through fog Non-invasive mm-wave scanners Non-invasive mm-wave scanners In-vivo detection of breast / skin cancer In-vivo detection of breast / skin cancer Quality control – internal structure of wood, plastics etc. Quality control – internal structure of wood, plastics etc. …
CMB research is not over…. Stay tuned !