CSLI Wrap-Up Meeting, Fall 2014 Review the process Review the findings Analyze - Hypotheses
Questionnaire issues - questions - Did some questions give you more problems than others? Clarity Public constantly asked for restatement Vagueness of what is being asked Did the respondents seem to think that the questions were generally interesting? Did the respondents think that the survey was too long or short? Other suggestions? Review the process - 1
Public receptivity Were you surprised by how easy/hard it was to obtain a completion? Problems with phone numbers? Idle chatter from respondents? Bias among interviewers? Partial completions? Other suggestions Review the process - 3
County: Right or Wrong Direction? Spring ‘00 to Fall ‘14
Right/Wrong Direction –County, State, Nation, Respondent LevelsDem.Rep.Unaffiliated S ‘14F ‘14S ‘14F ‘14S ‘14F ‘14 County State Nation
Most Important Problem: Fall 2007 to Fall 2014
Economic Conditions: (% excellent+good) County vs. Maryland and USA (Fall ‘07 to F ’14)
Economic Conditions: (% excellent+good) County vs. Maryland and USA (Fall ‘07 to F ’14)
Condition S ‘14F ‘14 Under $75,00 0 $75,000+ Taxes are too high in relation to the government services provided Wages or salaries are not rising as fast as the cost of living Hard to afford the cost of education Health care insurance is unavailable, too expensive or inadequate Hard to afford cost of food and groceries Received a salary increase or other increase in income recently Facing the possibility of unemployment Found a new or better job recently Income Groups and Economic Indicators
SupportOpposeUnsure/NA Doubling the number of high schools over the next 20 years, but making them much smaller than current high schools Removing speed cameras and losing $300,000 in county income Increasing the county’s income tax rate to help create a high school in Crofton Increasing the salary of the next county executive from $130,000 to $142, State and County Proposals – Support, Oppose, Unsure The County's storm water fee, which pays for repairs of storm pipes and waterways to decrease pollution, will generate $17 million next year and $22 million the following year. Do you feel this fee – currently costing $85 a year for a single family home - is too low, too high, or just right? Too low 5 About right 46 Too high 38 NA 11 Which option to you prefer – cutting property taxes by 3 percent, or adding more county services related to education or public safety Cut taxes 52 Add services 41 Unsure 4 NA 3
State and County Proposals – Support, Oppose, Unsure The County's storm water fee, which pays for repairs of storm pipes and waterways to decrease pollution, will generate $17 million next year and $22 million the following year. Do you feel this fee – currently costing $85 a year for a single family home - is too low, too high, or just right? Too low 5 About right 46 Too high 38 NA 11 Which option to you prefer – cutting property taxes by 3 percent, or adding more county services related to education or public safety Cut taxes 52 Add services 41 Unsure 4 NA 3
State and County Proposals – Support, Oppose, Unsure Which option to you prefer – cutting property taxes by 3 percent, or adding more county services related to education or public safety Cut taxes 52 Add services 41 Unsure 4 NA 3
Level of Info – Gov/CE Level of Information about Candidates’ Stands in Race for Governor Governor County Executive
Vote Choice/Likely Winner Governor County Executive I will vote for… Percentage Vote for Brown 22 Vote for Hogan 51 Someone else 2 Undecided 24 Won’t vote for any 1 Won’t say, NA 1 Winner will be…Percentage Anthony Brown53 Larry Hogan23 Unsure or no answer 24 I will vote for…Percentage Vote for George Johnson26 Vote for Steve Schuh40 Undecided32 Won’t vote for any/NA2 Total100 Winner will be…Percentage George Johnson 25 Steve Schuh 41 Unsure or no answer34
Party Strength/Defections Dem Strong Dem Somewha t Strong Dem Not Strong Rep Strong Rep Somewha t Strong Rep Not Strong Overall13 (30)14 (33)15 (35)14 (39)17 (43)6 (16) Hogan Brown Undecided Schuh Johnson Undecided Governor County Executive
Governor FactorOverall Brown Voters Hogan Voters Undecid ed Taxes Economy (jobs, general) Background, Experience 9574 Education Ethics/Honesty/Integrity Party Broad vision/plan Main factor in deciding vote… County Executive FactorOverallJohnsonSchuhUndecided Taxes Background, Experience Ethics/Honesty/Integrity Party Education Broad vision/plan Economy 5545
Main Factor Overall: Gov/CE
Main Factor Comparison: Gov/CE
Party Strength/Defections
Presidential job approval Fall 2007 to Fall 2013
Presidential Job Approval by Party Registration Fall 2009 to Fall 2014
Exercise: Develop Hypotheses 1.Identify a dependent variable – attitude, preference 2.Identify an independent variable – a social/demographic characteristic 3.Specify a likely relationship between the two based on a “theory” or hunch you have about people and attitudes