THE BIG BANG 0 to seconds Temperature- theorized to be infinite Infinitely small, Infinitely Dense, Primeval Fireball Only 1 force exists- Supergravity
PLANCK TIME seconds Temperature Kelvin Earliest known time that can be described by Modern physics 2 forces- Gravity, and Grand Unified Theory GUT
END OF GUT seconds Temperature Kelvin 3 forces exist- Gravity, Strong Nuclear Force, Weak Force Quarks and Leptons form (along with their anti- particles)
INFLATION to seconds Temperature Kelvin Universe increases in size by a factor of to 10 40
END OF UNIFIED FORCES seconds Temperature Kelvin 4 forces found in nature- Strong, Weak, Electromagnetic, and Gravity Protons and Neutrons begin to form from quarks
HEAVY PARTICLES seconds Temperature Kelvin Protons and Neutrons forming at full speed
LIGHT PARTICLES seconds Temperature Kelvin Electrons and their opposite particles (positrons) form
NUCLEOSYNTHESIS 100 seconds Temperature Kelvin Helium, Deuterium, and a few other elements form
RECOMBINATION/DECOUPLING 380,000 years Temperature Kelvin Matter and Radiation separate Radiation domination ends and matter takes over the Universe
GALAXY FORMATION million years Temperature- 10 Kelvin Galaxies and other large structures form in the Universe
NOW Approximately 13.7 billion years later Temperature- 3 Kelvin We sit here and take these notes today…