Unpacking and Implementing Training Packages Linda Hopkins
Workshop aims: to share the learning, issues, experiences, resources and outcomes of the program and to identify ways of sustaining and extending the learning and outcomes.
Original workshops 1.Training packages and industry consultation 2.Developing learning and assessment strategies 3.Developing learning and assessment materials and tools 4.Developing validation processes 5.Monitoring and review
Action Learning Groups Community Services - Aged Care Hair and Beauty Carpentry and Joinery Hospitality
Workshop 1 - Unpacking Training Packages Challenges: clarifying which documents originate within TAFE NSW and which from ISCs; using the whole training package – especially qualification frameworks and packaging rules, skill sets and assessment guidelines; contributing to the continuous improvement and development of training packages.
Workshop 1 - Industry Consultation Issues: If the ISC consults with industry, why does the RTO need to do this too? Different types of consultation are necessary for different purposes – eg, when developing strategies for learning and assessment; when evaluating programs. RTOs need to take advantage of all forms of contact to make consultation cost effective.
Industry consultation – some cost effective methods Short telephone or surveys of local employers/community groups Forums of students and teachers who are also practitioners Incorporating questions into other existing forms of contact – getting into the habit of recording this
Workshop 2 - Developing strategies for learning and assessment Issues Which information is needed from training packages? How generic or specific should the strategies be? Who is going to do what in future? How will this work be resourced within Institutes?
Issues in developing strategies that need TAFE- wide agreement? Nominal duration of courses and units Entry requirements for courses Monitoring and reviewing courses Articulation arrangements and associated issues, eg, grading of assessments
The need for consistency In supporting documents: Marketing materials – course information Timetables/programs Budgets and plans Class rolls Completed assessment tools AND Teacher/student experiences
Workshop 3 – Developing assessment materials Issues: Ensuring consistency across the Institute; Ensuring there are both assessment tasks and recording tools; Identifying ways of sharing the workload; Identifying ways of sharing the resources; Version control; Who should manage/lead this?
Workshop 3 - Developing Unit Delivery Guides Issues Developing a consistent template to suit disparate needs; Identifying ways of sharing the workload; Identifying ways of sharing the resources; Who should manage/lead this?
Workshop 4 - Assessment Validation Issues: Narrow view of validation – validating tools only; Inconsistency in methods used; Lack of collaboration in validation leading to lack of consensus and commitment – emphasis on form-filling; Lack of full understanding of principles of assessment and rules for assessment evidence.
Validation can be of: Assessment processes Assessment tools and materials Assessment evidence, and decisions made about the evidence
Assessment validation approaches include: Meetings of assessors to review and compare their own methods of conducting assessment Meetings of assessors to review the evidence collected for a group of candidates and agree on the assessment decisions – competent or not Supervision by a ‘lead’ assessor who reviews the work of a number of assessors to ensure consistency
Assessment validation approaches include: Collaboration within a group of assessors to design assessment tasks and tools Meetings of assessors to review the feedback received from a number of assessment candidates Teleconferencing If an intranet site is available, posting tools for feedback
Planning validation Arrangements to make Availability of participants Venue booking Ensuring participants have the knowledge/ skills required Catering if required Recording/reporting of outcomes Dissemination of action plan and/or conclusions reached Documents to organise Assessment plans, tools, evidence, etc to be validated Units of competency Training package assessment guidelines AQF descriptors Source documents/ materials such as candidate feedback or completed assessments
Workshop 5 - Monitoring and Review Issues: Need for a consistent and systematic approach Need for analysis – and subsequent action Inclusion of an appropriate mix of stakeholders and issues
The Quality Indicators Competency completion Employer satisfaction Learner engagement
Participant feedback Issues: How will the work be resourced? How can others learn what we have learned? How will the work be managed and who will lead/coordinate it?
Participant feedback Suggestions: Participants to undertake mentoring and coaching of others Head Teachers to pass on learning and resources to sections in other colleges Extend use of Share Point – use one system consistently Regular updates/staff development