ElectraLink Update on DCUSA Activities
Charging Methodology CP Summary StatusCDCMEDCMCCCMBilling WG: Pre Consultation10 (DCP 133, 159, 160, 161, 165, 178, 179) 1 (DCP 138)1 (DCP 172) WG: Consultation1 (DCP 158)3 (DCP 162, 166, 167) WG: Post Consultation 5 ( DCP 137, 123, 117, 168, 169, 173, 174, 180) Change Report Voting Awaiting Consent Approved: Awaiting Implementation 1 (DCP 118)5 (DCP 142, 144, 146, 147, 148) Approved: Implemented 10 (DCP 130, 126, 131, 132, 134, 136, 150, 163, 128, 129) 1(DCP 152)1 (DCP 140) Rejected1 (DCP 164)1 (DCP 139)4 (DCP 141, 145, 143, 149) Total28359
Charging Methodology CPs: Definition Stage DCPTitleStatus DCP 117Treatment of ‘Load related new connections & reinforcement (net of contributions)’ in the Price Control Working Group considering progression routes for the CP DCP 123Revenue Matching Methodology ChangeAwaiting consultancy support DCP MW network common model for CDCM inputImpact analysis to be completed in January 2014 DCP 137Introduction of locational tariffs for the export from HV generators in areas identified as generation dominated. Awaiting consultancy support DCP 138Implementation of alternative network use factor (NUF) calculation method in EDCM Awaiting Ofgem decision on Network Use Factor proposals DCP 158DNO DUoS re EDNOsConsultation responses due 7 October 2013 DCP 159Volumes data in the CDCMAwaiting consultancy support
DCPTitleStatus DCP 160Non-Half Hourly (NHH) Notional CapacityAwaiting outcome of DCP 165 before progressing DCP 161Excess Capacity ChargesWorking Group is drafting a consultation which will be issued shortly DCP 162Non-Secure Connections in the Common Connections Charging Methodology Consultation closes 4 October 2013 DCP 165Voltage Level Approach to Unit Charges in the CDCMAwaiting outcome of DCP 179 before determining how to progress DCP 166Additional text for the DNO Common Connection Charging Methodology to provide clarity where a customer requests a supply voltage in excess of the ‘minimum scheme’ for the capacity requested. Consultation closes 4 October 2013 DCP 167Additional examples for the Common Connection Charging Methodology to illustrate ‘remote reinforcement and remote reconfiguration’ Consultation closes 4 October 2013 DCP 168The Administration of Use of System charges relating to connections from Embedded Distribution Network Operator (EDNO) systems to Unmetered Supplies (UMS) for LA customers. Working Group is reviewing the consultation responses and determining how to progress Charging Methodology CPs: Definition Stage
DCPTitleStatus DCP 169Seasonal Time of Day (SToD) HH Metered Tariffs in the CDCMAwaiting the progression of DCP 123 DCP 172Clarification of way in which voltage rise is used in determining the New Network Capacity Working Group drafting consultation document DCP 173Retrospective changes of Tariff (LLFC / Unique Identifier)The Working Group will issue a second consultation on legal text and progression routes in due course DCP 174Qualification and application of LV sub-station tariffsChange Report to be issued to the October Panel DCP 178 Notification period for change to use of system charges Working Group drafting consultation document DCP 179Amending the CDCM tariff structureAwaiting consultancy support DCP 180Further reduction in the volatility of Use of System ChargesConsultation closed on 25 September 2013 Charging Methodology CPs: Definition Stage
Charging Methodology CPs: Implemented DCPTitleStatus DCP 142Using D2021 for all invoices/credit notes if it is used at allImplemented 1 October 2013 DCP 144Prohibiting rounding of HH dataImplemented 1 October 2013 DCP 146HH invoice runsImplemented 1 October 2013 DCP 147Preventing UoS invoices containing non-UoS elementsImplemented 1 October 2013 DCP 148Rebilling to be done via credit/rebillImplemented 1 October 2013 DCP 171Housekeeping re Black Yellow GreenImplemented 1 October 2013 DCP 177Housekeeping change relating to DCP 127 to allow Gas Suppliers accession to DCUSA Implemented 1 October 2013 DCP 184Housekeeping change following implementation of DCP127Implemented 1 October 2013
Charging Methodology CPs: Approved DCPTitleStatus DCP 118Allocation of EHV Costs in the CDCM Price Disaggregation ModelApproved for 1 April 2014 Implementation Charging Methodology CPs: Rejected DCPTitleStatus DCP 164Review of the change process for Use of System methodology changes Voting closed 8 August 2013
DCUSA Deadlines Consultations: –DCP DNO DUoS re EDNOs – closes 7 October 2013 –DCP Non-Secure Connections in the Common Connections Charging Methodology – closes 3 October 2013 –DCP Additional text for the DNO Common Connection Charging Methodology to provide clarity where a customer requests a supply voltage in excess of the ‘minimum scheme’ for the capacity requested – closes 3 October 2013 –DCP Additional examples for the Common Connection Charging Methodology to illustrate ‘remote reinforcement and remote reconfiguration – closes 3 October 2013 New Change Proposals: –October DCUSA Panel paper deadline: 9 October 2013
Charging Methodology CPs and DCMF/DCMF MIG –Michael Walls –Roz Timperley DCUSA CPs, CCCM CPs and DCUSA SIG –Claire Hynes Telephone – DCUSA Contacts