Fitting the high-resolution spectroscopic data for NCNCS Zbigniew Kisiel, a Brenda P. Winnewisser, b Manfred Winnewisser, b Frank C. De Lucia, b Dennis W. Tokaryk, c Steven C. Ross, c Brant E. Billinghurst d a Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa, Poland b Department of Physics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA c Department of Physics, University of New Brunswick, New Brunswick, Canada d Canadian Light Source Inc., University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada 69th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy RJ15
Ground breaking studies: Winnewisser et al.Phys.Rev.Lett. 95, (2005) J.Mol.Struct. 798, 1 (2006) PCCP 12, 8158 (2010) Complete mm-wave spectrum was recorded with the FASSST technique and rotationally resolved spectra of all fundamentals recorded at the CLS (HR125 Bruker+synchrotron) The problem: even for the ground state only a small subset of the FASSST transitions was fitted with a standard asymmetric rotor Hamiltonian, and even then only at 10 . The general semi-rigid bender Hamiltonian (GSRB) provided satisfactory reproduction of the global picture but at a level greater than 10 3 . Furthermore, specific vibration-rotation perturbations have been identified but not yet made use of. Background: NCNCS is a quasilinear molecule with intriguing barrier crossing behaviour described by quantum monodromy.
Precision ? Signs ? Deviation ? A good effective fit may not be the best one: Previously reported fit to only the ground state K a =0,1,2 transition sequences (five sequences) Octic level constants required!
The SPFIT traps for unwary users: See: Crib-sheet to SPFIT/SPCAT on the PROSPE website at TRAP 1 : printed errors have a specific meaning and will normally not be standard errors TRAP 2 : the fit may not be converged TRAP 3 : derived parameter values may be constrained by too small a priori uncertainties TRAP 4 : almost all quartic centrifugals have reversed sign relative to convention TRAP 5 : improper use of the DIAG parameter affecting state labelling
Towards an improved effective fit: … fewer adjustable parameters, better deviation of fit, more reasonable values of quartic constants
Assignment using Loomis-Wood type plots: The K a =0 R-branch transition sequence for NCNC 34 S
Assignment using Loomis-Wood type plots: The K a =2 l R-branch transition sequence for NCNC 34 S
Assignment using Loomis-Wood type plots: The K a =0 R-branch transition sequence for NCN 13 CS
Spectroscopic constants for the rare isotopic species of NCNCS:
Assignment of the ground state K a =3 transitions for NCNC 34 S Prediction from the effective fit assignment
Differences between experiment and GSRB: The ground state K a =0 transition sequence NCNCS (parent) NCNC 34 S The current GSRB fit is based on reproducing constants in the J(J+1) power series approximation using a small low-J subset of eigenvalues. Advances in computer power and isotopic information allow for a considerable update.
Selective perturbations in transition sequences in different vibrational states: Fig.14, B.P.Winnewisser et al., PCCP 12, 8158 (2010)
v=0: MHz from the series v=0: MHz from the series Resonances also affect the ground state: Resonance in the K a =8 transition sequence, maximum at J”= 80,81
v=0: MHz from the series v=0: MHz from the series v=1: MHz from the series v=1: MHz from the series The matching resonance in v b =1 : The resonance is now in the K a =5 transition sequence
The neighbouring K a =6 sequence for the ground state: v b =2, K a =4
The effective fit of the rotational Hamiltonian has been improved and reproduces the five lowest K a transition frequencies to within experimental accuracy (but with no predictive properties outside this data range) The effective constants allowed making precise predictions of spectra for the singly substituted isotopic species of NCNCS The spectra of the three strongest naturally abundant isotopic species of NCNCS: 34 S, 13 C 1, 13 C 2 have all been assigned and validity of the derived spectroscopic constants confirmed The prediction of isotopic species with GSRB is found to be at a very systematic deviation relative to experiment, and may be refined with a suitable correction The recent observation of pure rotational b-type transitions with the Bruker HR125 interferometer at the CLS provides a much stronger constraint on the effective fit. Reliable estimate of v b should now be possible from perturbations in the pure rotation spectrum (providing a double check and complementing the results from the vibration-rotation spectrum…) CONCLUSIONS: